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무용 활성화를 위한 TV매체광고 효과 연구

무용 활성화를 위한 TV매체광고 효과 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the TV Media Effect for Activating the Dance Industry
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sul Hwa
Issue Date
By the dance performances, the present dance circle of Korea has a limited way to communicate with the general public. Therefore for promotion, media utilization is necessary because in the contemporary world, the importance of the medium has been highlighted by the development of information technology(IT) which allowed easier access of the medium, caused appearance of various mediums, delivered information faster. I considered television is the easiest to access among the various mediums. Thus, a marketing campaign which integrated television commercials with dance accentuates excellence of its target product and fulfills people's aesthetic needs. So it is thought, with the successful marketing strategy, if dance unites with television advertisements, it can break away from its high-ranked image furthermore become the part of our daily life, and such way of access would be used as a springboard for the popularization of dance and extension of awareness. That's why I embarked on the study, also I investigated and researched precious examples of the television advertisements. Therefore this paper mainly aimed at television advertising practices which integrated with dance and a study to activate such cases. To examine the paper in detail, I selected eleven traditional television advertisements combining with dance and analyzed them, however there was a limit to the genre because the representative advertisements I chose were based on ballet and modern dance and those are both very popular in advertising industry. Hence, the study researched advertising cases which used dance for its promotion so that it examined how much such attempts actually contributed to make dance popular, how much effort would go into popularization of dance, suggested activation plan, also drew the conclusions. First, by featuring modern dance and ballet which are suggestive of westernization maximized the product effectiveness. Second, dances in advertisements that was expressed in many different images were merged, and the convergence was reached in consideration of its value of external appearance and internal function. Accordingly, the incorporation had a huge influence on advertising. Third, the commercials consisted of dance maximized the value of the product, showed high efficiency and illuminated the composition of dance.
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GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > DANCE(무용학과) > Theses (Master)
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