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고령층의 온라인 공동체 활동에 관한 연구: 남성과 여성간의 차이를 중심으로

고령층의 온라인 공동체 활동에 관한 연구: 남성과 여성간의 차이를 중심으로
Other Titles
A Study on the Online Community Activity of the Aged : the Concern of Gender
온라인 공동체; 카페; 닉네임; 사회참여; 사회지원; online community; the Internet culture; nick-name; social support; social participation
Issue Date
사이버커뮤니케이션학보, No. 16, Page. 241 - 272
이 연구는 고령층의 온라인 공동체 활동에 대한 실태를 조사하여 분석하였다. 다음카페(Daum Cafe)에서 60세 이상을 위한 카페에 가입한 남녀 각기 100명을 대상으로 설문지를 배너(banner) 형식으로 올려 클릭(click)하는 응답방법과 전자 메일을 발송하여 회수하는 방법을 썼다. 남녀간에 차이를 비교하려고 카이스퀘어와 일원분산분석으로 통계처리 하였다. 운영이 활발한 카페의 번개모임과 정기모임에 참여하여 관찰함으로써 오프라인(offline)의 활동도 분석에 포함하였다. 온라인 공동체인 카페 가입은 고령층들이 인터넷을 지속적으로 이용하는 동기가 되었으며, 이곳에서 사회활동과 지원이 있었다. 남성들이 여성들 보다 더 많은 채팅, 취미활동, 정치활동을 하고 있었다. 온라인뿐 아니라 오프라인에서도 사교하고, 그들만의 공동체를 확인하고 있었다. 이상의 결과는 그 동안 우리사회에서 역할상실로 소외되고 있는 고령층들에게 새로운 활동공간을 제공해줌으로써 적극적 사회참여와 자기개발이 가능함을 알 수 있었다. As online networking becomes an increasingly important Korean phenomenon, it is crucial to examine how this new technology is being used by the elderly. The purpose of this study was to explore the extent of which gender differences appear in the online community activities in terms of social demographic characteristics, pattern of Internet usage, social participation, and social support. Data were analyzed from online survey utilizing questions related to older people's participation on online communities based on a case study of Daum Cafe(online community)'s Ahrumdaun 60ae(Beautiful Sixties), a robust online community which brings elderly people age 60 and over. In addition to this method we have also participated in off-line meetings which members arranged for lunch or mountain climbing to observe their socialization. This research has found out five primary results. First, online community activities make older people' s daily lives meaningful. The participation of online community is shown as a key factor in motivating and supporting access to and continued use of the Internet. Second, the internet access is broadened to include not only initial entry but also ongoing participation in online communities. The online Cafe for the older people provides a multitude of communication opportunities including chatting rooms on a variety of recreational and informational topic, places for socializing, and support groups. It offers simple, real-time chat capabilities. Third, older age and lower education of elderly people seem to be significant factors that lead less use the Internet for communication. Fourth, when older men and women have access to the online, they make different use of them. The older women, the less the Internet is used. Men appear to use more chatting/messenger, internet phone, and online hobby communities. However, both men and women use e-mail equally. Fifth, men are participating more in online cafe and political activity. It is an inescapable fact that the age distribution of Korean society will continue to grow older. Their Internet communication competence is critical to enhancing their social participation and improving their living.
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