Nutritional Functions of Milk and Dairy Products in Improving Human Health
- Title
- Nutritional Functions of Milk and Dairy Products in Improving Human Health
- Author
- Hyunsook Kim
- Keywords
- milk; calcium; bioactive peptide; probiotic; dental; health
- Issue Date
- 2016-09
- Publisher
- 한국유가공기술과학회
- Citation
- 한국유가공기술과학회지, v. 34, NO. 3, Page. 145-155
- Abstract
- Cow’s milk and dairy products are elements of the human diet that could play an important role inimproving human health. The macronutrients and micronutrients found in milk could supply the nutrientsrequired to maintain human health. Among them, milk-derived bioactive peptides have been identifiedas potential ingredients found in health promoting functional foods. These bioactive peptides targetdiet-related chronic diseases, particularly non-communicable ones such as cardiovascular disease,diabetes and obesity. Additionally probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are can be considered livemicroorganisms that confer health benefits for the host-, when administered in adequate amounts. Further, the calcium, vitamin D, and protein content of milk and dairy products could play a role inproving bone health. The effect of milk and calcium on bone mineral density could prevent againstfracture, osteoporosis and rickets. Furthermore, milk and dairy products also contain which factors that,which protect against dental caries (anti-cariogenic properties). This paper reviews the various nutritionalfunctions of milk and dairy products in improving human health.
- 2384-0269; 2508-3635
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- COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY[S](생활과학대학) > FOOD & NUTRITION(식품영양학과) > Articles
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