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1980-1987 한국영화의 관람 공간 - 관객, 장르, 극장을 중심으로

1980-1987 한국영화의 관람 공간 - 관객, 장르, 극장을 중심으로
Other Titles
Place of Viewing of Korean Cinema from 1980 to 1987 -Focusing on Audience, Genre and Movie Theater-
공간; 도시화; 1980년대 한국영화; 관객; 장르; 극장; 중산층; 강남 개발; place; urbanism; Korean cinema in 1980s; audience; genre; movie theater; middle class; construction of Gangnam
Issue Date
한양대학교 현대영화연구소
현대영화연구, v. 24, Page. 43-79
1980년대에 서구에서는 도시 변화를 설명하기 위한 도시연구의 새로운 방법론으로 공간 패러다임이 널리 확산되었다. 이후 공간성 문제는 문학, 예술, 역사, 영상, 건축, 국제정치, 경제 등 인문학과 사회과학의 제 영역의 방법론으로까지 확대되었다. 20세기 후반 후기자본주의는 시간성과 공간성 사이에 거대한 의미전환을 불러온다. 고전적 산업자본주의에서 생산현장은 노동시간 의 착취로 잉여자본을 뽑아내는 시간성에 집중한 반면, 20세기 후반 후기 자본주의는 이윤 추구를 위해 공간을 효율적으로 조직하고 확장해간다. 이 과 정에서 자본축적을 위한 공간적 형태로의 도시화가 본격화된다. 1980년대에 서구에서는 도시 변화를 설명하기 위한 도시연구의 새로운 방법론으로 공간 패러다임이 널리 확산되었다. 이후 공간성 문제는 문학, 예술, 역사, 영상, 건축, 국제정치, 경제 등 인문학과 사회과학의 제 영역의 방법론으로까지 확대되었다. 20세기 후반 후기자본주의는 시간성과 공간성 사이에 거대한 의미전환을 불러온다. 고전적 산업자본주의에서 생산현장은 노동시간 의 착취로 잉여자본을 뽑아내는 시간성에 집중한 반면, 20세기 후반 후기 자본주의는 이윤 추구를 위해 공간을 효율적으로 조직하고 확장해간다. 이 과 정에서 자본축적을 위한 공간적 형태로의 도시화가 본격화된다. The paradigm of ‘place’ as a new methodology for urban studies proliferated to explain changes of Western cities in 1980s. Since then, the matter of spatiality has permeated into such areas as literature, art, history, visual arts, architecture, international politics and economics. The post capitalism in the latter half of the 20th century brought about a grand change in meanings of temporality and spatiality. Whereas in the classical industrial capitalism the space of production had been organized on time table with which the capital could extort surplus profits by exploiting labor hours, in the post capitalist society of the late 20th century the space was efficiently organized and expanded in a way to maximize profit. As a part of the process urbanization has been accelerated to organize spaces for accumulation of capital. Place is a fruit of social products or relations, and social space is fluid and constantly changing. Place is also practical and symbolic, and it can be expanded into a place of system that contains social order and structure. The spatiality constructed in Korean cinema is not just an aesthetic choice but something practical, symbolic and fluid, and it reflects changes in people’s recognition of time-space. To analyze spatiality in Korean cinema I adopted four dimensions of place, that is fluidity·practicality·interaction and symbolization, and looked in the ‘viewing of Korean cinema’ in 1980s when space had begun to be charged with the meanings of commodity and the established system In general production of films in 1980s were under political and cultural control be the extension of 1970’s dictatorship, however it began to change in relation with social movements. Urbanization that represents social transformation of space in Korean society in 1980s and corresponding middle class consciousness was a deciding factor in film-goer’s choice of film. Wile in the first half of 1980s melodramatic, erotic, christian and nation-code films enjoyed their popularity, in mid 1980s mystery-melodrama and youth films with refined Hollywood style standed out. In the middle of 1980s, multi-theaters with several small screens attracted diverse groups of audiences by implementing various promotional programs like film festivals, film-lovers’ club and previews. During 1980s the Korean people experienced social changes with acceleration of urbanization due to economic growth. Such a changed environment brought about changes in film viewing. The proliferation of middle class caused a dramatic change in popular genres. Naturally the main characters and the way of representation went through corresponding changes, and life style of the middle class represented in films was spread out nationwide. With building of large scale apartment complexes the areas outside of central Seoul began to have theaters, and movie-going culture went through dramatic changes. I looked into the place of Korean cinema viewing reshuffled in the period of 1980 through 1987, focusing on audience, genre and movie theater.
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