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ABCD 기반 융복합교사교육 모형 개발 연구: 창의·인성교육 전문성을 중심으로

ABCD 기반 융복합교사교육 모형 개발 연구: 창의·인성교육 전문성을 중심으로
Other Titles
Preparing Future Teachers for Creativity & Character Education: An ABCD Approach to Teacher Education Curriculum Development
융복합교사교육; ABCD 원리; 창의․인성교육 교사전문성; Creativity & Character Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Autonomy; Diversity; Contextuality; Bridgeability; Yungbokhap Education
Issue Date
학습자중심교과교육연구, v. 16, NO 6, Page. 847-876
본 연구는 21세기 교육과 관련된 선행연구에서 융복합교사교육의 원리와 지향점을 탐색함으로써, ‘자율성’, ‘가교성’, ‘맥락성’, ‘다양성’(즉 ABCD)의 교육원리에 기반하고, ‘생애발달주기’, ‘실제적 역량’, ‘감성적 체험’, 그리고 ‘융복합적 역량’을 중심으로 하는 교사교육에의 융복합교육적 접근을 취하는, 다양한 교육과정에 적용 가능한 교사교육 모형을 개발하였다. 그리고 이를 창의·인성교육 교사전문성 신장 프로그램에 적용하여 그 ABCD 원리에 기반한 융복합교사교육의 가능성을 검증하고자 하였다. 개발된 융복합교사교육 모형은 전문가 타당도 검사를 통해 수정·보완되어 최종적으로 완성되었으며 서울의 한 사범대학의 예비교사 교육에 적용되어 그 현장적용 가능성이 타진되었다. 그 프로그램은 예비교사들의 창의·인성교육 전문성 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 이는 본 연구에서 개발된 ABCD 기반 융복합교사교육 모형이 더 다양한 교사양성 기관과 더 다양한 교과목에 효과적으로 적용될 가능성이 있음을 강하게 시사한다. Recently, the Korean Ministry of Education has developed policy initiatives for enhancing school children’s creativity and character. This is because creative decision making and democratic communication are now thought of as key competences required for members of a culturally diversified world village. In this context, this paper presents results from a recent development and implementation of an “ABCD-based Yungbokhap Teacher Education” model to enhance preservice teachers’ competences for creativity and character education: The model has adopted the four principles of Yungbokhap Education: Autonomy, Bridgeability, Contextuality, and Diversity; it has also taken four key strategies of attending to the developmental stages in teachers’ professional life span, to the development of “practical” competences for creativity and character education, to “affective” experience and embodiment of a variety of methods for creativity and character education, and to development of Yungbokhap competences for practicing in classes and the school environment in integrative and inclusive ways. These were to help pre-service teachers develop competences to holistically interact with their own Selves, their pedagogical content knowledge for creativity and character education, their future students, and their educational environment. An implementation of the ABCD-based model in four major and three teacher education courses at a colledge of education in Seoul has produced statistical and qualitative positive results indicating its effectiveness and fruitfulness, which is accepted as strongly suggesting that the same model can be successfully adopted and implemented for other institutions of teacher preparation, and in other courses as well.
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