아리랑; 북한의 아리랑; 서도아리랑; 본조아리랑; 단천아리랑; 영천아리랑; Ararang; Ariang of North Korea; Seodo Arirang; Bonjo Arirang; Dancheon Arirang; Yeongcheon Arirang
Issue Date
한국민요학, Vol.39 No.- [2013], 83-137(55쪽)
This paper is part of works to understand the music and transmittion of Arirang of Korean people. I have already analyzed diverse pieces of Arirang preserved in Sourth Korea. I also have reviewed, in my recent study, newspaper or magazine articles of North Korea on Arirang to find their understanding and way of recognition about Arirang. Continuing from these works, I have analyzed in this paper recordings and notations of Arirang in North Korea to further enhance our understanding of Arirang in North Korea. It was found from this research that which piece of songs grouped as Arirang in North Korea is identical to which piece of Arirang in South Korea. The result is summarized as below. <표 본문참조> Little difference is traced in the indigenous folk songs of <Yeokeum Arari> and <Jajin Arari> between South and North Korea. The songs are mainly found in eastern mountain region in North Korea as well as in South Korea. Popular folk songs performed by professional singers of Gyeonggi folk songs are usually sung by the North-Korean singers with the singing style unique to North Korea. Accompanying music is produced with western instruments only or traditional instruments only or combination of both western and traditional instruments. It is true that research source of North Korea is not readily available due to current political situation of South and North Korea. Therefore, this study will finally be completed only when further research is possible with sufficient material from North Korea.