2020-09 | Raman study of D* band in graphene oxide and its correlation with reduction | 정문석 |
2019-10 | Rapid large-grain (>100 μm) formation of organic-inorganic perovskite thin films via shear deposition for photovoltaic application | 정문석 |
2018-09 | Recent Advances in Synthesis and Assembly of van der Waals Materials | 김은규 |
2016-01 | Reconstruction and identification of tau lepton decays to hadrons and nu(tau) at CMS | 김태정 |
2020-10 | Reconstruction of signal amplitudes in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the presence of overlapping proton-proton interactions | 김태정 |
2019-03 | Redistribution of native defects and photoconductivity in ZnO under pressure | 김재용 |
2017-05 | Reduction of interface traps between poly-Si and SiO2 layers through the dielectric recovery effect during delayed pulse bias stress | 김은규 |
2011-05 | Refined test of AdS(4)/CFT3 correspondence for N=2, 3 theories | 천상모 |
2014-04 | Reflective metamaterial polarization converter in a broad frequency range | 이영백 |
2016-08 | Reinforced magnetic properties of Ni-doped BiFeO3 ceramic | 이영백 |
2016-10 | Relative Humidity Sensor Based on an Optical Microfiber Knot Resonator With a Polyvinyl Alcohol Overlay | 한영근 |
2017-04 | Relative Modification of Prompt psi(2S) and J/psi Yields from pp to PbPb Collisions at root(S)(NN)=5.02 TeV | 김태정 |
2015-08 | Relevant characteristics of undoped GaMnN grown by using molecular beam epitaxy | 김은규 |
2016-01 | Renormalization shielding effect on the Wannier-ridge mode for double-electron continua in partially ionized dense hydrogen plasmas | 이명재 |
2014-12 | Resistance switching mode transformation in SrRuO3/Cr-doped SrZrO3/Pt frameworks via a thermally activated Ti out-diffusion process | 홍진표 |
2011-03 | Resistance switching properties of In2O3 nanocrystals memory device with organic and inorganic hybrid structure | 김은규 |
2012-10 | Resistive switching effect for ZnO hybrid memory with metal-oxide nanocrystals | 김은규 |
2016-02 | Resistive switching memory device with metal-oxide quantum dots on a graphene layer | 김은규 |
2014-10 | Resistivity peaks and magnetic properties of an annealed graphene | 김은규 |
2019-06 | Resonant flow instability of space-charge waves in self-gravitating Lorentzian dusty plasma columns | 이명재 |