2018-06 | Observation of (tt)over-barH Production | 김태정 |
2019-10 | Observation of a new structure near 10.75GeV in the energy dependence of the e+e− → Υ(nS)π+π− (n = 1,2,3) cross sections | 천병구 |
2018-06 | Observation of Air Shower in Uijeongbu Area using the COREA Prototype Detector System | 김항배 |
2017-06 | Observation of an alternative chi(c0)(2P) candidate in e(+)e(-)-˃ J/psi D(D)over-bar | 천병구 |
2018-06 | Observation of an anti-PT-symmetric exceptional point and energy-difference conserving dynamics in electrical circuit resonators | 송석호 |
2018-08 | Observation of an Excited Omega(-) Baryon | 천병구 |
2019-02 | Observation of B(+) -˃ p over(Lambda) K+K- and B(+) -˃ over(p) Lambda K+K+ | 천병구 |
2014-02 | Observation of bias-dependent noise sources in a TiOx/TiOy bipolar resistive switching frame | 홍진표 |
2017-03 | Observation of Charge-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations in p-Pb Collisions and Its Implication for the Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect | 김태정 |
2018-02 | Observation of Correlated Azimuthal Anisotropy Fourier Harmonics in pp and p plus Pb Collisions at the LHC | 김태정 |
2011-11 | Observation of D+ -˃ K+eta(()'()) and Search for CP Violation in D+ -˃ pi(+)eta(()'()) Decays | 천병구 |
2017-01 | Observation of D-0 -˃ rho(0)gamma and Search for CP Violation in Radiative Charm Decays | 천병구 |
2018-11 | Observation of e(+) e(-) -˃ gamma chi(c1) and search for e(+) e(-) -˃ gamma chi(c0), gamma chi(c2), and gamma eta(c) at root s near 10.6 GeV at Belle | 천병구 |
2018-11 | Observation of e(+) e(-) -˃ pi(+) pi(-) pi(0)chi(b1,2) (1P) and search for e(+) e (-) -˃ phi chi(b1,2) (1P) at root s=10.96-11.05 GeV | 천병구 |
2018-02 | Observation of Electroweak Production of Same-Sign W Boson Pairs in the Two Jet and Two Same-Sign Lepton Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeV | 김태정 |
2020-12 | Observation of electroweak production of W gamma with two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV | 김태정 |
2016-07 | Observation of exceptional points in reconfigurable non-Hermitian vector-field holographic lattices | 송석호 |
2016-07 | Observation of exceptional points in reconfigurable non-Hermitian vector-field holographic lattices | 오차환 |
2018-03 | Observation of excited Omega(c) charmed baryons in e(+)e(-) collisions | 천병구 |
2012-08 | Observation of exclusive Y(1S) and Y(2S) decays into light hadrons | 천병구 |