2014-03 | Na mole concentration dependence on optical p-type behaviors of Na-doped ZnO nanowires | 홍진표 |
2012-12 | Nano-Cr-film-based solar selective absorber with high photo-thermal conversion efficiency and good thermal stability | 이영백 |
2020-01 | Nanochemical Investigation of Degradation in Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Films Using Infrared Nanoscopy | 정문석 |
2019-02 | Nanofabrication of plasmonic structures on insulating substrates by resist-on-metal bilayer lift-off | 송석호 |
2018-01 | Nanophotonic identification of defects buried in three-dimensional NAND flash memory devices | 송석호 |
2015-07 | Nanoscale CuO solid-electrolyte-based conductive-bridging-random-access-memory cell operating multi-level-cell and 1selector1resistor | 홍진표 |
2016-01 | Nanoscale manipulation of the Mott insulating state coupled to charge order in 1T-TaS_2 | 천상모 |
2012-08 | Nanoscale patterning of colloidal quantum dots on transparent and metallic planar surfaces | 천상모 |
2015-01 | Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data | 이현규 |
2018-04 | The Nature of Bonding in Bulk Tellurium Composed of One Dimensional Helical Chains | 조준형 |
2015-08 | Nature of the Insulating Ground State of the 5d Postperovskite CaIrO3 | 조준형 |
2016-07 | Nature of the Insulating Ground State of the Two-Dimensional Sn Atom Lattice on SiC(0001) | 조준형 |
2019-09 | Necessary and sufficient condition for joint measurability | 이진형 |
2012-11 | Negative Refractive Index at the Third-Order Resonance of Flower-Shaped Metamaterial | 이영백 |
2020-03 | Neutrino Process in Core-collapse Supernovae with Neutrino Self-interaction and MSW Effects | 하은자 |
2020-10 | Neutron-Proton, Neutron-Neutron, Proton-Proton QRPA for the Gamow-Teller and the M1 Spin Transitions of N Z Nuclei in the s − d Shell | 하은자 |
2012-03 | New air fluorescence detectors employed in the Telescope Array experiment | 천병구 |
2012-06 | New air fluorescence detectors employed in the Telescope Array experiment | 김항배 |
2020-06 | New black holes with hyperscaling violation for the transports of quantum critical points with magnetic impurity | 신상진 |
2014-10 | New optical transition, structural, and ferromagnetic properties of InCrP:Zn implanted with Cr | 김은규 |