2014-10 | Gain monitoring of telescope array photomultiplier cameras for the first 4 years of operation | 천병구 |
2014-12 | Gain monitoring of telescope array photomultiplier cameras for the first 4 years of operation | 김항배 |
2015-05 | Gain-assisted critical coupling for high-performance coherent perfect absorbers | 송석호 |
2018-07 | Gamma Ray Showers Observed at Ground Level in Coincidence With Downward Lightning Leaders | 천병구 |
2018-07 | Gamma Ray Showers Observed at Ground Level in Coincidence With Downward Lightning Leaders | 김항배 |
2015-10 | Gauge invariance and holographic renormalization | 신상진 |
2012-06 | Generating a Schrodinger-cat-like state via a coherent superposition of photonic operations | 이진형 |
2018-09 | Geometric extension of Clauser-Horne inequality to more qubits | 이진형 |
2018-09 | Geometric extension of Clauser-Horne inequality to more qubits | 남창우 |
2015-08 | Giant spin-orbit-induced spin splitting in Bi zigzag chains on GaAs(110) | 조준형 |
2021-01 | Ginzberg-Landau-Wilson theory for flat band, Fermi-arc and surface states of strongly correlated systems | 신상진 |
2015-12 | Goos-Hanchen shift at the reflection of light from the complex structures composed of superconducting and dielectric layers | 이영백 |
2021-02 | Green synthesis of reduced-graphene oxide quantum dots and application for colorimetric biosensor | 김재용 |
2021-02 | Green synthesis of reduced-graphene oxide quantum dots and application for colorimetric biosensor | 이광걸 |
2013-10 | Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem for N qudits | 이진형 |
2015-08 | Growth of p-type ZnTe thin films by using nitrogen doping during pulsed laser deposition | 김은규 |
2019-09 | Growth of Wafer-Scale ReS2 with “Tunable” Geometry toward Electron Field-Emission Application | 정문석 |
2012-01 | Growth of ZnTe:O Thin Films by Oxygen-Plasma-Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition | 김은규 |
2016-06 | GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO | 이현규 |