2015-09 | Fabrication of 3D inverse opal structured photonic crystal by using wedge-shaped cell method | 오차환 |
2011-12 | Fabrication of a 3D Photonic Crystal Structure by Using the Wedge-shaped Cell Method | 오차환 |
2012-07 | Fabrication of a n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode by ultra-high vacuum magnetron sputtering | 남창우 |
2012-06 | Fabrication of a n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode by ultra-high vacuum magnetron sputtering | 김은규 |
2020-06 | Fabrication of highly uniform nanoprobe via the automated process for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy | 정문석 |
2011-08 | Fabrication of Large Plasmonic Arrays of Gold Nanocups Using Inverse Periodic Templates | 송석호 |
2014-02 | Fabrication of micro-ridge long-period gratings inscribed on polarization-maintaining fibers | 한영근 |
2011-03 | Fabrication of nickel stamp with improved sidewall roughness for optical devices | 한영근 |
2019-12 | Fabrication of pyramidal (111) MAPbBr3 film with low surface defect density using homogeneous quantum-dot seeds | 정문석 |
2019-04 | Fabrication of Stacked MoS2 Bilayer with Weak Interlayer Coupling by Reduced Graphene Oxide Spacer | 정문석 |
2018-10 | Fabry-Perot cavity resonance enabling highly polarization-sensitive double-layer gold grating | 김은규 |
2020-05 | Facile preparation of molybdenum disulfide quantum dots using a femtosecond laser | 정문석 |
2020-11 | Fast synthesis of large-scale single-crystal graphene with well-defined edges upon sodium chloride addition | 김재용 |
2014-03 | FDTD simulation of transmittance characteristics of one-dimensional conducting electrodes | 송석호 |
2013-09 | Ferrimagnetic Slater Insulator Phase of the Sn/Ge(111) Surface | 조준형 |
2013-01 | Ferrimagnetic transition in the compound Sr0.9La0.1Ti0.9Co0.1O3 | 이영백 |
2015-05 | Ferroelectric behavior and reproducible Bi-stable resistance switching property in K-doped ZnO thin films as candidate for application in non-volatile memories | 김은규 |
2020-02 | Ferromagnetic properties of MoS2 film doped by Fe using chemical vapor deposition | 김은규 |
2015-04 | Ferromagnetic resonance in a topographically modulated permalloy film | 이성재 |
2016-07 | Ferromagnetic resonance of a YIG film in the low frequency regime | 이성재 |