2017-06 | Comment on "Quasi-One-Dimensional Metal-Insulator Transitions in Compound Semiconductor Surfaces" | 조준형 |
2018-03 | Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV | 김태정 |
2015-10 | Comparison of the Z/gamma* plus jets to gamma plus jets cross sections in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV | 김태정 |
2017-12 | Competing charge density wave and antiferromagnetism of metallic atom wires in GaN(10(1)over-bar0) and ZnO(10(1)over-bar0) | 조준형 |
2018-08 | Competing edge structures of Sb and Bi bilayers generated by trivial and nontrivial band topologies | 조준형 |
2017-05 | Competing Gap Opening Mechanisms of Monolayer Graphene and Graphene Nanoribbons on Strong Topological Insulators | 조준형 |
2016-01 | Competing magnetic orderings and tunable topological states in two-dimensional hexagonal organometallic lattices | 조준형 |
2013-03 | Complementary resistive switching mechanism in Ti-based triple TiOx/TiN/TiOx and TiOx/TiOxNy/TiOx matrix | 홍진표 |
2018-07 | Complete Einstein equations from the generalized First Law of Entanglement | 신상진 |
2011-10 | Comprehensive Studies on the Magnetic Reversal Properties of Bilayered Magnetic Anti-Dot Lattices | 이영백 |
2011-10 | Comprehensive Studies on the Magnetic Reversal Properties of Bilayered Magnetic Anti-Dot Lattices | 이성재 |
2011-07 | Computational studies of a cut-wire pair and combined metamaterials | 이영백 |
2012-07 | Conductivities and curing properties of electron-beam-irradiated anisotropic conductive films | 김재용 |
2012-12 | Conductivity Enhancement of Silicon Nanowires | 이성재 |
2011-08 | Conformal anomaly and the vector coupling in dense matter | 노만규 |
2011-08 | Conformal anomaly and the vector coupling in dense matter | 이현규 |
2018-08 | Constraining Gluon Distributions in Nuclei Using Dijets in Proton-Proton and Proton-Lead Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV | 김태정 |
2017-08 | Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings using production and decay information in the four-lepton final state | 김태정 |
2019-12 | Constraints on anomalous HVV couplings from the production of Higgs bosons decaying to tau lepton pairs | 김태정 |
2014-04 | Constraints on Cosmic Strings from the LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Detectors | 이현규 |