2013-10 | Angular analysis of B-0 -˃ phi K* decays and search for CP violation at Belle | 천병구 |
2018-12 | Angular analysis of the decay B+ -˃ K+mu(+)mu(-) in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV | 김태정 |
2016-02 | Angular analysis of the decay B-0 -˃ K*(0)mu(+)mu(-) from pp collisions at root s=8 TeV | 김태정 |
2018-01 | Angular analysis of the e (+)e (-) -˃ D-(*D-)+/-*(-/+) process near the open charm threshold using initial- state radiation | 천병구 |
2015-11 | Angular coefficients of Z bosons produced in pp collisions at root S=8 TeV and decaying to mu(+)mu(-) as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity | 김태정 |
2014-07 | Anisotropic plasma at finite U(1) chemical potential | 신상진 |
2014-05 | Anisotropic plasma with a chemical potential and scheme-independent instabilities | 신상진 |
2020-07 | Anisotropic temperature effects on Landau damping in Kappa-Maxwellian astrophysical plasmas | 이명재 |
2011-02 | Annealing behaviour and crystal structure of RF-sputtered Bi-substituted dysprosium iron-garnet films having excess co-sputtered Bi-oxide content | 이영백 |
2015-05 | Anomalous doping effect in black phosphorene using first-principles calculations | 조준형 |
2011-04 | Anomalous Magnetic Properties of a 2-dimensional Rhomboid Spin Anti-dot Lattice (vol 58, pg 998, 2011) | 이성재 |
2011-04 | Anomalous Magnetic Properties of a 2-dimensional Rhomboid Spin Anti-dot Lattice (vol 58, pg 998, 2011) | 이영백 |
2019-01 | Anti-reflection Coatings with Graded Refractive Index of Indium Tin Oxide for Si-based Solar Cells | 김은규 |
2013-03 | Antiferromagnetic ordering of dangling-bond electrons at the stepped Si(001) surface | 조준형 |
2014-06 | Antiferromagnetic Slater Insulator Phase of Na2IrO3 | 조준형 |
2014-09 | Antiferromagnetic superexchange mediated by a resonant surface state in Sn/Si(111) | 조준형 |
2014-04 | Application of a Hough search for continuous gravitational waves on data from the fifth LIGO science run | 이현규 |
2015-11 | Application of artificial neural network to search for gravitational-wave signals associated with short gamma-ray bursts | 이현규 |
2012-04 | An Application of Metamaterials: Perfect Absorbers | 이영백 |
2019-01 | Astronomical Data of Atomic Shannon Entropies in Astrophysical Lorentzian Plasmas | 이명재 |