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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-03Lipoic Acid Prevents the Changes of Intracellular Lipid Partitioning by Free Fatty Acid최호순
2013-07Tumoral Calcinosis in the Nose in a Patient With Scleroderma: An Unusual Site for a Rare Tumor박찬금
2013-07Endoscopic Treatment of a Symptomatic Ileal Lipoma with Recurrent Ileocolic Intussusceptions by Using Cap-Assisted Colonoscopy전대원
2013-03Endoscopic Treatment of a Symptomatic Ileal Lipoma with Recurrent Ileocolic Intussusceptions by using Cap-assistaed colonoscopy최호순
2013-07A new method to increase the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital임태호
2013-035-HT2A receptor antagonists inhibit hepatic stellate cell activation and facilitate apoptosis최호순
2013-07근거중심 한국형 우울증 약물학적 치료지침, 개정판 (I) : 항우울제 치료의 초기선택박용천
2013-07Reconstruction of infected abdominal wall defects using latissimus dorsi free flap황규태
2013-07The application of the Risdon approach for mandibular condyle fractures이장현
2013-09Upper limit of normal serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels in Korea최호순
2013-03Upper limit of normal serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels in Korea이항락
2013-03The association between bone mineral density and metabolic syndrome: a Korean population-based study최웅환
2013-03Hepatocellular carcinoma composed of two different histologic types imaging features on gadoxetic acidenhanced liver MRI오영하
2013-03The effect of raw vegetable and fruit intake on thyroid cancer risk among women: a case-control study in South Korea김미경
2013-03The effect of raw vegetable and fruit intake on thyroid cancer risk among women: a case-control study in South Korea공구
2013-03UHRF2, a ubiquitin E3 ligase, acts as a small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase for zinc finger protein 131오요한
2014-07Mucociliary clearance and submucosal gland secretion in the ex vivo ferret trachea정진혁
2014-07Prevalence and incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus in South Korea이혜순
2013-03A proposal for improvement in the utilization rate of banked cord blood이영호
2013-07Print Media Coverage of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Content Analysis of Three Major Korean Newspapers박용천