2012-03 | 1960년대의 동아시아 지역주의와 호주외교: ASPAC을 통한 동아시아 관여 | 이상현 |
2016-10 | 21세기 일본의 대외정보기구 창설 관련 논의동향과 그 함의 | 이상현 |
2019-12 | Analysis of Korean Wave’s Trade-creating Effect and Induced Tourism: the Case of Tanzania | 김성수 |
2013-10 | Atomised Terror and Democratic Citizenship | Joseph E. Yi |
2015-04 | The BDS Campaign against Israel: Lessons from South Africa | Joseph E. Yi |
2018-12 | Beyond 'the West/non-West Divide' in IR: How to Ensure Dialogue as Mutual Learning | 은용수 |
2018-06 | Charlottesville Paradox: The 'Liberalizing' Alt-Right, 'Authoritarian' Left, and Politics of Dialogue | Joseph E. Yi |
2018-09 | Christian Case for Engaging North Korea | Joseph E. Yi |
2019-12 | Cultural Exchange and Its Externalities on Korea-Africa Relations: How Does the Korean Wave Affect the Perception and Purchasing Behavior of African Consumers? | 김성수 |
2016-11 | Cyberwar: Taking Stock of Security and Warfare in the Digital Age | 은용수 |
2015-04 | Debating Multicultural Korea: Media Discourse on Migrants and Minorities in South Korea | Joseph E. Yi |
2018-02 | Debating Same-Sex Marriage: Lessons from Loving, Roe, and Reynolds | Joseph E. Yi |
2014-09 | The Development of Chinese Film Industry in the Deng Era | 김성수 |
2015-05 | The Dynamics of Liberal Indifference and Inclusion in a Global Era | Joseph E. Yi |
2017-12 | The Effect of Diaspora Remittances on Economic Growth in Malawi | 김성수 |
2018-10 | The effects of involvement with South Korean culture on familiarity, image, and behavioral intentions among Generation Y consumers in Tanzania | 김성수 |
2016-12 | Elusive East Asia: Methodological Suggestions for the Study of East Asian Security | 은용수 |
2017-10 | EU의 독자제재에 관한 고찰 -짐바브웨, 기니, 부룬디, 튀니지, 이집트 사례연구 | 김성수 |
2017-01 | Evangelical Christian Discourse in South Korea on the LGBT: the Politics of Cross-Border Learning | Yi, Joseph E. |
2016-06 | Evidence from China and the USA : To what extent is post-positivism ‘practised’ in International Relations? | 은용수 |