2019-07 | A multiword unit analysis: COCA multiword unit list 20 and ColloGram | 전유아 |
2021-02 | Comparing L2 learners’ writing against parallel machine-translated texts: Raters’ assessment, linguistic complexity and errors | 전유아 |
2021-02 | 영어과 예비교사를 위한 전공 글쓰기 역량 강화 방안: 온라인 PBL을 활용한 내용 중심의 영어 쓰기 | 김성연 |
2020-12 | "I may sound like a native speaker horizontal ellipsis but I'm not": identities of Korean English teachers with border-crossing experience | 이문우 |
2020-09 | Ideologies of English and English Teaching in Vietnamese Private Language Institutions’ Facebook Adverts | 전유아 |
2020-08 | On the Acquisition and Use of the English Comp System by Korean Learners of English: A Case Study Focused on Interrogation | 안성호 |
2020-08 | Korean EFL Learners’ Approach to and Perception of Computer-Sugpported Collaborative Writing | 김성연 |
2020-06 | 한국인 영어 학습자의 쓰기능력별 어휘 및 연어 사용 양상 분석 | 김성연 |
2020-03 | Teacher Motivational Strategies for EFL Learners: For Better or Worse | 전유아 |
2020-03 | Direct Writing, Translated Writing, and Machine-Translated Writing: A Text Level Analysis with Coh-Metrix | 전유아 |
2020-01 | Language ideologies of Korean mothers with preschool-aged children: comparison, money, and early childhood English education | 이문우 |
2020-01 | Language Ideologies of Korean Mothers with Preschool-aged Children: Comparison, Money, and Early Childhood English Education | 한문섭 |
2020-01 | On the acquisition and use of the English Comp system by Korean learners of English: A case study focused on interrogation | 안성호 |
2018-12 | Effects of Input- and Output-based Planning on Korean College Students’ Communication Strategy and Speaking Anxiety | 김성연 |
2018-12 | A corpus analysis of collocational behaviors of near-synonymous adjectives | 김성연 |
2018-11 | Translation revisited for low-proficiency EFL writers | 이문우 |
2018-09 | 초임 영어교사들의 ‘교사되기’: 그들이 겪는 어려움과 극복방안을 중심으로 | 이문우 |
2018-06 | EFL Middle School Learners’ Lexical Profile and Academic Motivation During a Reading Course | 전유아 |
2018-06 | 학습자 영어 수준과 듣기 문항 유형의 차이에 따른고등학생들의 영어 듣기 전략 사용 | 김성연 |
2018-05 | 한국인 학습자와 영어 원어민의 구어 및 문어 코퍼스에나타난 개별 어휘 및 다어휘 표현 비교・분석 | 전유아 |