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Showing results 1 to 20 of 112

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-122009 개정 영어교육과정의 평가: (다)문화, 창의성 그리고 인성의 교육 측면에서안성호
2016-0621세기를 위한 ‘융복합 영어교육’의 개념화: 현장 교사들의 목소리를 담아서안성호
2014-09'Gangnam Style' English Ideologies: neoliberalism, class and the parents of early study-abroad이문우
2016-06ABCD 기반 융복합교사교육 모형 개발 연구: 창의·인성교육 전문성을 중심으로전유아
2016-06ABCD 기반 융복합교사교육 모형 개발 연구: 창의·인성교육 전문성을 중심으로안성호
2013-06Academic Motivational Orientations and Vocabulary Size of L2 Adolescent Learners전유아
2016-06Adolescent EFL Learners' Perceived Use of Listening Test-taking Strategies and L2 Proficiency전유아
2011-12An Argument Structure Analysis of Adjectival Passive Participles안성호
2011-12Baker (1988)의 LocSeq에 대한 핵계층구조적 접근안성호
2015-12A Class Model to Teach Cognitive and Metacognitive Reading Strategies for College Students’ Academic Reading한문섭
2012-04CMC 활용 글쓰기 환경과 면대면 글쓰기 환경에서의 동료 피드백 비교김성연
2021-02Comparing L2 learners’ writing against parallel machine-translated texts: Raters’ assessment, linguistic complexity and errors전유아
2013-06Computer-supported Writing: A Comparison of Wiki and Daedalus김성연
2018-12A corpus analysis of collocational behaviors of near-synonymous adjectives김성연
2012-09A Corpus-based Analysis of Collocations in Tenth Grade High School English Textbooks전유아
2011-04A Corpus-based Analysis of Curriculum-based Elementary and Secondary English Textbooks전유아
2012-12A corpus-based study of connectors in editorials of Korean and American English newspapers안성호
2012-12A corpus-based study of connectors in editorials of Korean and American English newspapers (한국과 미국의 영자신문 사설에서의 연결장치 비교)안성호
2013-09A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Spoken and Written Academic Collocations전유아
2013-08Cross-cultural and Acquisitional Aspects of Interlanguage Pragmatics이문우