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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-11The Role of School-Level Mechanisms: How Principal Support, Professional Learning Communities, Collective Responsibility, and Group-Level Teacher Expectations Affect Student Achievement박주호
2021-02청소년이여, 교육포부를 키워라? 이주배경 학생의 학업성취도에 대한 ‘능력주의’ 가설과 ‘기회구조’ 가설 비교함승환
2021-01초등학생의 거부민감성과 SNS중독경향성의 관계에서 자기개념 명확성의 매개효과김태선
2021-01코로나19 상황 속 대학생의 강의만족도 재분석: 온라인 학습참여의 장소의존성 역설함승환
2020-12Which schools are in greater need of culturally responsive leaders? A pedagogical uncertainty management perspective함승환
2020-11의사결정나무분석을 이용한 학교폭력 주변인 행동유형 예측모형 탐색조한익
2020-11Relationships between teacher influence in managerial and instruction-related decision-making, job satisfaction, and professional commitment: A multivariate multilevel model박주호
2020-11A Sociological View on Designing a Sustainable Online Community for K-12 Teachers: A Systematic Review신서경
2020-11Principal support, professional learning community, and group-level teacher expectations박주호
2020-10Understanding development requires assessing the relevant environment: Examples from mathematics learning임수현
2020-10대학생의 부모기대부응이 진로성숙도에 미치는 영향: 향상초점과 완벽주의적 자기제시의 조절된 매개효과조한익
2020-10The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters: How and When Biased Input Shapes Mathematics Learning임수현
2020-10그릿을 높이고 번아웃을 낮추는 대학생 긍정심리의 강점장형심
2020-09Factor structure and factorial invariance of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale across Japanese and South Korean college students박주호
2020-09다차원 명명반응 모형을 위한 척도연계 방법김성훈
2020-09Towards a balanced multiculturalism? Immigrant integration policies and immigrant children's educational performance함승환
2020-09내현적 자기애가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 정서표현 양가성의 매개효과조한익
2020-07How and why students make academic progress: Reconceptualizing the student engagement construct to increase its explanatory power장형심
2020-06품행장애 청소년의 부모 교육적 상담 사례연구: 부모양육태도 변화를 중심으로조한익
2020-06교육감 선거와 ‘인정의 정치’: 어떤 후보자가 ‘다문화’ 공약을 제시하는가?함승환