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Showing results 64 to 83 of 258

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-03School reforms, principal leadership, and teacher resistance: evidence from Korea박주호
2015-05School-level determinants of teacher collegial interaction: Evidence from lower secondary schools in England, Finland, South Korea, and the USA박주호
2020-10The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters: How and When Biased Input Shapes Mathematics Learning임수현
2020-11A Sociological View on Designing a Sustainable Online Community for K-12 Teachers: A Systematic Review신서경
2013-03STEAM 교사 연구회 개발 자료 분석: 융복합교육적 접근함승환
2013-03STEAM 교사 연구회 개발 자료 분석: 융복합교육적 접근차윤경
2019-07TCI와 뇌파 간 관련성 연구조한익
2012-12Testing the Structural Model of Psychological Variables Affecting Internet Addiction and Behavioral Problems among Korean Adolescents조한익
2020-09Towards a balanced multiculturalism? Immigrant integration policies and immigrant children's educational performance함승환
2017-02Truancy as systemic discrimination: Anti-discrimination legislation and its effect on school attendance among immigrant children함승환
2017-07U.S. and Israeli young women's future perception김태선
2020-10Understanding development requires assessing the relevant environment: Examples from mathematics learning임수현
2020-12Which schools are in greater need of culturally responsive leaders? A pedagogical uncertainty management perspective함승환
2014-10Whose Perception of Principal Instructional Leadership? Principal-Teacher Perceptual (Dis) agreement and Its Influence on Teacher Collaboration박주호
2016-09Whose perception of principal instructional leadership? Principal-teacher perceptual (dis)agreement and its influence on teacher collaboration함승환
2016-06Why students become more engaged or more disengaged during the semester: A self-determination theory dual-process model장형심
2017-03XCALIBRE 프로그램의 가교-고정 IRT 추정 기능 분석김성훈
2013-07Young Children's Role-Playing for Enhancing Personal Intelligences in Multiple Intelligences Theory김명희
2015-12가교문항-고정 다집단 IRT 추정을 위한 BILOG-MG 프로그램의 적용 가능성 진단김성훈
2015-03강한 베이지안 사전분포를 사용한 가교문항-고정 IRT 추정 방법의 원리와 기능김성훈