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Showing results 32 to 51 of 258

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-12Generalization of the Lord-Wingersky Algorithm to Computing the Distribution of Summed Test Scores Based on Real-Number Item Scores김성훈
2019-05Hong Kong women future perceptions: integrating the role of gender and culture김태선
2020-07How and why students make academic progress: Reconceptualizing the student engagement construct to increase its explanatory power장형심
2017-09Immigrant integration policy for future generations? A cross-national multilevel analysis of immigrant-background adolescents' sense of belonging at school차윤경
2017-09Immigrant integration policy for future generations? A cross-national multilevel analysis of immigrant-background adolescents' sense of belonging at school함승환
2019-08Improving student learning of ratio, proportion, and percent: A replication study of schema-based instruction임수현
2015-03The influence of principals’ instructional leadership on teachers’ use of autonomy-supportive instruction: An analysis of three Asia-Pacific countries함승환
2014-03The Institutionalization of Multicultural Education as a Global Policy Agenda함승환
2014-04The Institutionalization of Multicultural Education as a Global Policy Agenda차윤경
2019-02Integration policy in education and immigrant students’ patriotic pride in host countries: A cross-national analysis of 24 European countries차윤경
2020-04Investigating the Generalizability of Schema-Based Instruction Focused on Proportional Reasoning: A Multi-State Study임수현
2014-09IRT 능력모수 추정을 위한 문항패턴-기반 방법과 합산점수-기반 방법의 원리와 기능 비교김성훈
2011-02Knowledge Expectations in Mathematics Teacher Preparation Programs in South Korea and the United States: Towards International Dialogue함승환
2011-10Korean Version of the Life Perspectives Inventory-Psychometric Properties and Implications for the High School Counseling조한익
2019-03Latent class analysis of no-formal learners’ self-directed learning patterns in open educational resource repositories박주호
2013-03“융복합교육”의 개념화: 융(복)합적 교육 관련 담론과 현장 교사 포커스 그룹 면담을 중심으로함승환
2013-03“융복합교육”의 개념화: 융(복)합적 교육 관련 담론과 현장 교사 포커스 그룹 면담을 중심으로차윤경
2012-11Longitudinal Test of Self-Determination Theory's Motivation Mediation Model in a Naturally Occurring Classroom Context장형심
2018-06MIRT 등급반응 모형을 위한 공통-문항 척도연계 방법김성훈
2013-06Multicultural Education and Asian Immigrants in Korea: Current Status and Evolving Issues함승환