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Showing results 67 to 86 of 260

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-04McLuhan의 매체론에서 본 사이버대학 학습자의 지식창조과정 모형 개발유영만
2015-03Mediating Analysis Approaches: Trends and Implications for Advanced Applications in HRD Research송지훈
2020-08The mediating effect of individual regulatory focus in the relationship between career commitment and job satisfaction송지훈
2012-06The mediating effect of team-level knowledge creation on organizational procedural justice and team performance improvement송지훈
2015-08A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Leadership Development Courses in the Korean Corporations : Studies from 2000 to 2014송영수
2021-02A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relationship Between Learning Organization and Organizational Performance and Employee Attitudes: Using the Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire이윤수
2016-09The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on Work Engagement: The Influences of Professionalism and Openness to Change송지훈
2020-03MOOC 기반 학습의 메타분석송지훈
2019-04MOOC 품질관리를 위한 강좌 개발 · 운영 체크리스트 개발 연구신윤희
2017-08MOOC에서 소셜 러닝 촉진을 위한 튜터링 가이드라인 개발: FutureLearn 사례를 중심으로유영만
2018-11NCS 기반 고교 직업교육과정 '전자' 교과의 마이크로프로세서 교수역량과 상대적 중요도 분석안미리
2016-09Organizational justice and work engagement: the mediating effect of self-leadership송지훈
2020-09Promoting case indexing in case library learning: Effects of indexing prompts on self-explanation and problem solving김동식
2020-10Psychological Ownership and Openness to Change: The Mediating Effects of Work Engagement, and Knowledge Creation유영만
2020-02Psychological Ownership and Openness to Change: The Mediating Effects of Work Engagement, and Knowledge Creation송지훈
2019-08Rasch 모형을 활용한 관리자 코칭 행동 측정도구 재검증 연구이윤수
2012-05Role of transformational leadership in effective organizational knowledge creation practices: Mediating effects of employees' work engagement송지훈
2011-11School Innovation: The Mutual Impacts of Organizational Learning and Creativity송지훈
2016-05Self-Congruity and the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Prediction of Local Food Purchase송지훈
2019-04A structural model of customer relationship management (CRM) strategies, rapport, and learner intentions in lifelong education이윤수