2013-06 | CSCL에서 완성하기 과제의 소거 수준과 자신에게 설명하기 활동의 제공 방식이 협력부하 및 협력학습성과에 미치는 영향 | 김동식 |
2014-09 | CSCL에서 의사결정 유형과 협력적 정보처리지원 수준이 협력성과, 협력구성원 간의 사회적 지지도 및 협력부하에 미치는 영향 | 김동식 |
2015-09 | CTA(Cognitive Task Analysis) 인터뷰 방식에 따른 영상제작 과제 수행의 전문성 비교 | 김동식 |
2015-10 | Cultural Sensitivity and Design Implications of MOOCs from Korean Learners’ Perspectives: Case Studies on edX and Coursera | 안미리 |
2013-04 | Designing sentence templates in computer-supported collaborative learning | 김동식 |
2019-01 | Developing team creativity: The influence of psychological safety and relation-oriented shared leadership | 이윤수 |
2011-04 | Development of a Pastor Competency Model | 권성호 |
2014-07 | Development of design guidelines for tools to promote differentiated instruction in classroom teaching | 안미리 |
2014-07 | Development of design guidelines for tools to promote differentiated instruction in classroom teaching | 차현진 |
2014-04 | Development of social learning program for improving digital literacy | 김동식 |
2019-03 | Developmental Research of a Collaborative Learning Support Tool | 신윤희 |
2014-12 | The effect of types of information presentation on the flow and the instructional efficiency in multimedia learning | 김동식 |
2020-01 | The Effects of a Visible-Annotation Tool for Sequential Knowledge Construction on Discourse Patterns and Collaborative Outcomes | 신윤희 |
2011-11 | Effects of Facebook on Language Learning | 권성호 |
2019-11 | The effects of job demands, job resources, and personal resources on the psychological well-being of middle-aged workers in the United States: assessing latent profile differences | 이윤수 |
2011-11 | The effects of motivational scaffolding on the learning process and outcome in CSCL: Based on the flow theory | 김동식 |
2013-11 | The effects of part-task sequencing and the level of element interactivity on schema automation and cognitive load | 김동식 |
2019-05 | The Effects of Pre-Training Types on Cognitive Load, Collaborative Knowledge Construction and Deep Learning in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environment | 신윤희 |
2018-04 | The Effects of Representation Tool (Visible-Annotation) Types to Support Knowledge Building in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | 김동식 |
2012-06 | The effects of scenario planning on perceptions of conversation quality and engagement | 송지훈 |