2019-11 | 17개 시·도 교육청 교육복지우선지원사업의 운영 현황 및 유형 분석 | 송지훈 |
2017-05 | 4차 산업혁명과 자율성(Autonomy)에 대한 HRDer의 고찰 | 송지훈 |
2013-06 | An Analysis and Synthesis of DLOQ-Based Learning Organization Research | 송지훈 |
2013-09 | A Comparative analysis of graduate HRD curricular content between the U.S. and Korea | 송지훈 |
2013-09 | A Comparative analysis of graduate HRD curricular content between the U.S. and Korea | 송지훈 |
2020-06 | Creativity and knowledge creation: the moderated mediating effect of perceived organizational support on psychological ownership | 송지훈 |
2012-06 | The effects of scenario planning on perceptions of conversation quality and engagement | 송지훈 |
2012-08 | The effects of scenario planning on perceptions of conversation quality and engagement | 송지훈 |
2013-01 | How the Organizational Learning Process Mediates the Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Performance in Korean Organizations | 송지훈 |
2021-01 | Identifying latent profiles based on three components of organizational commitment: multi-sample investigations in Korea | 송지훈 |
2012-12 | The impact of an organization's procedural justice and transformational leadership on employees' citizenship behaviors in the korean business context | 송지훈 |
2015-09 | The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Employees' In-Role Performance: The Mediating Effect of Employees' Psychological Ownership | 송지훈 |
2014-06 | The influences of openness to change knowledge sharing intention and knowledge creation practice on employee creativity in the Korean public sector context | 송지훈 |
2013-09 | Influential factors for knowledge creation practices of CTE teachers: mutual impact of perceived school support, transformational leadership, and work engagement | 송지훈 |
2013-09 | Influential factors for teachers' creativity: Mutual impacts of leadership, work engagement, and knowledge creation practices | 송지훈 |
2014-02 | Learning organization and innovative behavior: The mediating effect of work engagement | 송지훈 |
2013-09 | Learning organizational culture and firm performance: The mediating effects of knowledge creation in Korean firms | 송지훈 |
2015-03 | Mediating Analysis Approaches: Trends and Implications for Advanced Applications in HRD Research | 송지훈 |
2020-08 | The mediating effect of individual regulatory focus in the relationship between career commitment and job satisfaction | 송지훈 |
2012-06 | The mediating effect of team-level knowledge creation on organizational procedural justice and team performance improvement | 송지훈 |