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Complex and irregular heart rate dynamics in fetuses compromised by maternal anemia as a high-risk pregnancy

Complex and irregular heart rate dynamics in fetuses compromised by maternal anemia as a high-risk pregnancy
Approximate entropy (ApEn); correlation dimension (CD); fetal heart rate (FHR); gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM); maternal anemia (MA); pregnancyinduced hypertension (PIH); preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM); sample entropy (SampEn)
Issue Date
Walter de Gruyter GMBH
Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 2014, 43(6), P.741-748
Aim: To examine how complex and irregular fetal heart rate (FHR) dynamics differ between fetuses of normal pregnancies and those of pregnancies complicated by maternal anemia (MA), and to place this in the context of high-risk pregnancies. Methods: Our study population consisted of 97 pregnant women affected by MA, 118 affected by pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), 88 affected by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), 53 with preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM), and 356 normal pregnancies as controls. We calculated approximate entropy (ApEn), sample entropy (SampEn), and correlation dimension (CD) to quantify irregularity and the chaotic dynamics of each FHR time series. Results: The ApEn in the fetuses of the MA and PIH groups was significantly lower than that of the normal controls (P<0.05). The SampEn was significantly lower in the high-risk groups, except for the pPROM group, than in the normal controls (P<0.05). The CD in the PIH and severe MA groups was significantly lower than that of the normal controls (P<0.05, respectively). In the MA group, the dynamic indices showed a highly significant positive correlation with hemoglobin (Hb) levels (P<0.0001). Conclusion: The decreased complexity and/or irregularity in the FHR from pregnancies with MA may reflect abnormalities in the complex, integrated cardiovascular control. The irregularity and complexity of the FHR increased together with Hb levels in pregnancies with MA. Our data suggest that the integrity of the nervous system in the fetuses compromised by severe MA might result directly in adverse outcomes.
0300-5577; 1619-3997
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