2020-09 | Factors Affecting the Incidence of Hospitalized Pneumonia after Influenza Infection in Korea Using the National Health Insurance Research Database, 2014-2018: Focusing on the Effect of Antiviral Therapy in the 2017 Flu Season | 변경향 |
2020-07 | The Correlation of Comorbidities on the Mortality in Patients with COVID-19: an Observational Study Based on the Korean National Health Insurance Big Data | 변경향 |
2020-06 | Compliance of Antihypertensive Medication and Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019: a Cohort Study Using Big Data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service | 변경향 |
2020-05 | Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Influenza in Koreans: the National Health Insurance Research Database, 2009-2018 | 변경향 |
2017-06 | Association between built environment and moderate to vigorous physical activity in Korean adults: a multilevel analysis | 이은영 |
2017-06 | 4대 중증질환 보장성 강화 정책이 의료비에 미친 영향 | 김관옥 |
2017-06 | 의사-환자 관계에서 '환자가 의사를 신뢰단다'의 의미고찰 | 김민정 |
2017-06 | 개인 및 가구특성과 물리적 환경이 거주민의 우울에 미치는 영향 연구 | 이은영 |
2017-02 | 민간의료보험 가입이 의료비에 미친 영향:실손의료보험을 중심으로 | 김관옥 |
2016-06 | 국민건강보험 보장성 강화 정책이 가계민간의료보험료에 미친 영향 | 김관옥 |
2013-02 | Characteristics of metabolic syndrome based on clustering pattern among Korean adolescents: findings from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007–200 | 이은영 |
2014-11 | Environmental influences on youth eating habits: Insights from parents and teachers in South Korea | 박소현 |
2014-09 | Relationship between Socioeconomic Position and Suicide Attempts among the Korean Adolescents | 이은영 |
2014-12 | Early Adulthood: An Overlooked Age Group in National Sodium Reduction Initiatives in South Korea. | 박소현 |
2014-12 | Reliability and validity of a scale for health-promoting schools | 이은영 |
2014-11 | Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Position and Current Smoking Among Korean Adolescents | 이은영 |
2014-10 | 한국 청소년의 정신건강이 비만에 미치는 영향 | 김관옥 |
2016-03 | 개인, 사회물리적 환경과 서울시 어린이 신체활동 및 좌식행동 | 이은영 |
2015-02 | Understanding school health environment through interviews with key stakeholders in Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal and Sri Lanka. | 박소현 |
2015-01 | Association between living arrangements and depressive symptoms among older women and men in South Korea | 오동훈 |