2020-01 | Acetate-utilizing microbial communities revealed by stable-isotope probing in sediment underlying the upwelling system of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea | 조혜연 |
2022-01 | Distinct impacts of major El Nino events on Arctic temperatures due to differences in eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures | 정혜인 |
2019-08 | Distinct temporal dynamics of planktonic archaeal and bacterial assemblages in the bays of the Yellow Sea | 안성욱 |
2017-05 | Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in riverine sediments affected by weir impoundments: Production, benthic flux, and environmental implications | 김성한 |
2019-07 | Effect of recent Atlantic warming in strengthening Atlantic-Pacific teleconnection on interannual timescale via enhanced connection with the pacific meridional mode | 김혜림 |
2021-12 | Evaluation of alkane indexes for quantifying organic source from end member mixing experiments based on soil and algae | 원은지 |
2022-05-17 | Evolution of the paleo-Daesan Bay (Nakdong River, South Korea) as a result of Holocene sea level change | 박수정 |
2017-05 | Extremely high sulfate reduction, sediment oxygen demand and benthic nutrient flux associated with a large-scale artificial dyke and its implication to benthic-pelagic coupling in the Yeongsan River estuary, Yellow Sea | 김성한 |
2023-12-20 | Future changes in Antarctic coastal polynyas and bottom water formation simulated by a high-resolution coupled model | 정혜인 |
2017-07 | Heterotrophic bacterial production, respiration, and growth efficiency associated with upwelling intensity in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea | 김성한 |
2020-06 | Human exposure to legacy and emerging flame retardants in indoor dust: A multiple-exposure assessment of PBDEs | 이현경 |
2020-07 | Impacts of ice-shelf melting on water-mass transformation in the Southern Ocean from E3SM simulations | 정혜인 |
2019-07 | Impacts of typhoon-induced heavy rainfalls and resultant freshwater runoff on the partitioning of organic carbon oxidation and nutrient dynamics in the intertidal sediments of the Han River estuary, Yellow Sea | 안성욱 |
2019-07 | Impacts of typhoon-induced heavy rainfalls and resultant freshwater runoff on the partitioning of organic carbon oxidation and nutrient dynamics in the intertidal sediments of the Han River estuary, Yellow Sea | 조혜연 |
2020-03 | Influence of Manila clam aquaculture on rates and partitioning of organic carbon oxidation in sediment of Keunso Bay, Yellow Sea | 안성욱 |
2020-02 | Invasive Spartina anglica Greatly Alters the Rates and Pathways of Organic Carbon Oxidation and Associated Microbial Communities in an Intertidal Wetland of the Han River Estuary, Yellow Sea | 조혜연 |
2020-02 | Invasive Spartina anglica Greatly Alters the Rates and Pathways of Organic Carbon Oxidation and Associated Microbial Communities in an Intertidal Wetland of the Han River Estuary, Yellow Sea | 안성욱 |
2019-05 | A large artificial dyke greatly alters partitioning of sulfate and iron reduction and resultant phosphorus dynamics in sediments of the Yeongsan River estuary, Yellow Sea | 안성욱 |
2020-03 | Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the coastal environment of Korea: Occurrence, spatial distribution, and bioaccumulation potential | 이현경 |
2020-09 | Legacy and novel flame retardants in water and sediment from highly industrialized bays of Korea: Occurrence, source tracking, decadal time trend, and ecological risks | 이현경 |