2004-12 | 1914년 독일공작연맹 전시회 유리산업전시관의 근대건축사적 의미-브루노 타우트(Bruno Taut)의 유리집(Glashaus)- | 김원식 |
2020-01 | Acetate-utilizing microbial communities revealed by stable-isotope probing in sediment underlying the upwelling system of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea | 조혜연 |
2020-01 | Active PLK1-driven metastasis is amplified by TGF-beta signaling that forms a positive feedback loop in non-small cell lung cancer | 신솔비 |
2020-01 | Alterations in glucose metabolism in Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 El Tor biotype strains | 김은진 |
2022-09-14 | Amine-modified nanoplastics promote the procoagulant activation of isolated human red blood cells and thrombus formation in rats | 김은혜 |
2021-04 | Ampere-hour-scale zinc–air pouch cells | 삼바지 시바지 신데 |
2018-05 | Analysis of Embodied Environmental Impacts of Korean Apartment Buildings Considering Major Building Materials | 노승준 |
2018-07 | Analysis of Human Toxicity Potential of Major Building Material Production Stage using Life Cycle Assessment | 김낙현 |
2017-11 | Analysis of the intellectual structure of human space exploration research using a bibliometric approach: Focus on human related factors | 이윤선 |
2018-08 | Analysis of the Primary Building Materials in Support of G-SEED Life Cycle Assessment in South Korea | 노승준 |
2021-01 | Analysis of Transmission Efficiency of a Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Based on Operating Modes | 이웅 |
2018-10 | Analysis of Worker Category Social Impacts in Different Types of Concrete Plant Operations: A Case Study in South Korea | 노승준 |
2015-04 | Analyzing safety behaviors of temporary construction workers using structural equation modeling | 이윤선 |
2008-03 | An Application Strategy for PLM in Construction Industry | 이윤선 |
2016-03 | Appropriating the socialist way of life: the emergence of mass housing in post-war North Korea | 신건수 |
2020-11 | Asymptotic Capacity Allocation for an Out-of-Cell User in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access With Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission | 최윤성 |
2021-04 | The BET inhibitor attenuates the inflammatory response and cell migration in human microglial HMC3 cell line | 백미나 |
2021-06 | BET inhibitor suppresses migration of human hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibiting SMARCA4 | 백미나 |
2017-01 | BIM 기반의 건축물 내재 환경영향 평가에 관한 연구 - 환경영향 매개변수를 고려한 BIM 라이브러리 구축을 중심으로 - | 노승준 |
2017-05 | BIM 기술 융·복합 수준 분석을 위한 특허 정보 활용 방안 | 이윤선 |