Sport Service Industry; Sport marketing; Sport Industry
Issue Date
한국체육과학회지, 2013, 22(5), P.717-734(18)
The purpose of this study was to understand the current situations of sport service industry and related policy for a better establishment of a balanced development strategy. The period of this study from April to December in 2012. The research methods included literature review, survey and interview. The literature review was made through the analysis of preceding and recent research work, while survey was performed by the industry related 200 business employees. The interviews of 8 executive officers and directors of business departments were performed for data. The analysis of data indicated the shortage of professional manpower and inadequate legal support for the development of professional sport. The results are followed. First, multivarious policies for the education and training of professional personnel in the field must be implemented and regulated. Second, legislation in support for the development of professional sport industry must be in action. Third, executable support policy for sport service industry, sport marketing and sport information industry must be implemented.