2019-02 | 3D 프린터 기술의 사용자 수용모델에 관한 연구: 미국 소비자 중심으로 | 김원 |
2019-02 | A Comparative Study of Japan, Korea and China on the Relation of Foci of Commitment Affected by National Cultures and Organizational Citizenship Behavior | Kim, Young Joon |
2023 | A Study of the Effects of Leader-Member Exchange on Counterproductive Work Behavior: Based on the Mediating Role of Autonomy and Work Engagement, and the Moderating role of Narcissism and Team Performance Pressure | 송일함 |
2022 | A Study on the Effect of Pay Communication on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediating Effect of Organizational Justice | 하다령 |
2018-08 | A TAM model for Customer Satisfaction of Chinese Food delivery platform under O2O Mode | Yang Rui |
2017-02 | After-hours block trading, short sales, and information leakage: Evidence from Korea | 이태훈 |
2019-02 | AHP를 이용한 푸드코트 매장의 선택속성에 대한 중요 요인 분석에 관한 연구 | 이덕수 |
2017-08 | An analysis of company's investment, capital structure and performance around the world :evidence from global 32 countries in 2000-2015 | Liu Xiaoyan |
2018-02 | An Analysis on the Influence Factors of China Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Africa | 박영 |
2019 | An Empirical Study on Survivors’ Attitudes in a Downsized Organization: A Psychological Contract Perspective | CAI LI |
2017-08 | An Empirical Study on the Relationships Among Cosmopolitanism, Ethnocentrism, Perceived Country Similarity and Warmth: Focusing on Chinese Consumers | Zhao Man |
2018-08 | B2B 유통시장에서 서비스품질과 거래성과간의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구 - 영향전략의 조절효과를 중심으로 | 노기표 |
2018-08 | B2B기업의 사회적 책임활동이 기업 신뢰와 고객충성도에 미치는 영향 | 조경록 |
2019 | B2C환경에서 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 서비스품질이 고객만족도 및 고객 재구매의도에 미치는 영향: 중국 타오바오를 중심으로 | 로사우 |
2018-08 | Can major shareholders and institutional investors affect issue price discounts in private placement of SEO? | HAN YANDAN |
2019 | Consumer Shopping Behavior in Online and Offline Channels: Implications for Marketing Strategy in Six Countries | Toulany THAVISAY |
2017-02 | Country of origin, European image, brand globalness. Effect on product evaluation and purchase intention. | 알렉스 |
2019-02 | Determinants of Expatriate Willingness of Employees at Chinese MNCs in the Mobile Phone Manufacturing | MA XIN |
2019 | Does CSR Performance Increase Financial Performance?: Evidence from the Nordic and Central and Eastern European Countries | Christian Hald Bargholz |
2019-02 | Effects Of Financial Education On Human Capital And Gender In Singapore | Tan Ee Ning, Pearleen |