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梁啓超의 <朝鮮哀詞五律二十四首> 探究 -조선 멸망 소식을 접한 중국 근대 대표 지식인의 述懷-

梁啓超의 <朝鮮哀詞五律二十四首> 探究 -조선 멸망 소식을 접한 중국 근대 대표 지식인의 述懷-
Other Titles
A Study of Liang Qi-Chao's "Chaoxianaici 24 Five-word Poetry" - Introspection of a Chinese representative modern intellectual receiving the news of Chosun's downfall.
조선애사; 양계초; 조선멸망; 계몽주의; 중화사상; 시계혁명; Chaoxianaici; Liang Qi-Chao; Chosun`s downfall; the Enlightenment; Sinocentrism; the revolution in poetry
Issue Date
한국언어문화학회 / The Society Of Korean Language & Culture
한국언어문화, 2012년, pp.383-414
Liang Qi-Chao (梁啓超), a Chinese representative intellectual on the Enlightenment during China`s transition to modern times had actively embraced social Darwinism, nationalism, and the Enlightenment on the basis of a contemporary economic and future-oriented theory influenced by his mentor, Kang You-Wei as a source of his ideology and had implemented various reforms in political, social and cultural areas. Due to the developmental time of the modern media and postal services, his thoughts had been directly introduced to the neighboring country, Korea and thus had a huge impact on the intellectuals of Chosun patriotic enlightenment movement. Liang Qi-Chao also had considerable knowledge about Chosun and published a number of relevant poetry, expressing an active interest about the situation of Chosun at the time. Although he was especially not a professional poet, Liang Qi-Chao`s two poems about Chosun are regarded as masterpieces including "Chaoxianaici (朝鮮哀詞) 24 five-word poetry" written in fall, 1910 when Chosun completely became the colony of Japan and "Qiufengduantengqu" (秋風斷藤曲) composed right after the death of Ahn, Jung-Guen in October, 1909. To Liang Qi-Chao, Chosun was a tributary state of China with close relationships for thousands of years and was simultaneously "the other" specially showing an image of China in comparison with the West. Moreover, his feelings and perceptions about Chosun were complex depending on the status of the Chinese Empire and the changes in the international relationships with the West, Japan, etc. Liang Qichao`s awareness in Chosun was shown in his writings such as about ten argumentative essays and poems mainly published from 1904 to 1911 when Japan gained complete control over Chosun. His work illustrated his compassion, interest, and concern about the collapse of Chosun as well as his feelings of loss of the dependent nation and his disappointment and derision based on sinocentrism and imperialism, including his remarks of rebuke against Japan as a competitor in addition to his criticism about Chosun`s ruling class and its nationality, eventually as a lesson for the purpose of the Chinese enlightenment. In particular, his critical analysis and exaggeration about Chosun`s downfall demonstrated his intentions to encourage Chinese people to get involved in self-empowerment. Despite poetic forms, "Chaoxianaici" (September, 1910) consists of such deep contents and emotions no less than his other writings, taking the lead in the revolution in poetry.
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