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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-03중국의 셰일가스 개발: 정책과 현황, 동인과 장애 요소를 중심으로김연규
2017-02Foreign policy as a socially divisive issue: the KORUS free-trade agreementCarl J. Saxer
2017-01Silk roads again: Revisiting roads connecting Eurasia엄구호
2019-08Russia's Arms Sales Policy after the Ukrainian Sanctions김연규
2017-01Choosing between internal and external development for innovation projects: antecedents and consequences류주한
2016-12EU 가스시장 자유화와 EU의 對러시아 에너지 전략 변화김연규
2016-12지방자치의 개혁방안 - 일본의 경험과 한국에의 제안 -김종걸
2016-11International reserves for emerging economies: A liquidity approach정국모
2016-11저유가 체제하 동북아시아 LNG 협력 현황과 전망김연규
2016-10Asian LNG Market Changes under Low Oil Prices: Prospects for LNG Hubs and a New Price Index김연규
2013-07Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Russia: Contending Paradigms and Current Perspectives김연규
2011-12Семантико-синтаксические функции действительных причастий несовершенного вида в оппозиционной паре настоящего и прошедшего времени и вопросы осложнения простого предложения (на материале романа Л.Толстого «Анна Каренина»)유시나류드미라
2013-07“Ukraine Fatigue” and A New US Agenda for Europe and Eurasia김연규
2016-06Семантика нефинитных деепричастных форм в структуре простого предложения유시나류드미라
2013-06Роль предложно-падежных оборотов в формировании семантической структуры предложения유시나류드미라
2012-08Boundary Decisions for New Technology Acquisition: An Empirical Study on Korean SMEs in High-Tech Manufacturing Sector류주한
2012-11Russo-Turkish Divergence (Part II): The Energy Dimension김연규
2016-05Can one decide to do something without forming an intention to do it?McGuire, John M.
2012-032012년 대만 대선과 마잉주정부의 대내외정책 전망문흥호
2011-12Why Is Russian Energy Policy Failing in Asia?*김연규