2022-09 | NUN-marked vs. Non-NUN-marked Fragmental Questions in Korean | 정대호 |
2022-09 | Derivation of [XP-NUN?] Revisited: Reply to Park (2021) | 정대호 |
2023-12 | 교수-대학생 간 대화에서 해라체 ‘-다’의 사용 | 김명희 |
2023-11 | 교수와 대학생 간 과업중심대화에서 ‘-습니다’체의 사용에 관한 연구 | 김명희 |
2023-09 | Nothing to See Here, Move On: A New Look at Humor in Aldous Huxley’s Mock-Dystopic Brave New World | Kenneth David Eckert |
2013-04 | 구어체 어말어미 ‘-거든’과 ‘-더라’의 담화기능 | 김명희 |
2009-12 | An Elliptical Coordination Analysis of the Right Dislocated Construction in Korean | 정대호 |
2010-02 | Left Node Raising as a Shared Node Raising | 정대호 |
2011-04 | A Constituency-based Explanation of Syntactic Restrictions on Korean Predicates | 정대호 |
2011-05 | Remarks on the Midway Conjunction Analysis of RNR Constructions | 정대호 |
2011-08 | Some Notes on External Remerge | 정대호 |
2012-11 | Pre- vs. Post-verbal Asymmetries and the Syntax of Korean Right Dislocated Construction | 정대호 |
2015-11 | Relation Between Recast and Uptake: A Longitudinal Study in KSL Context | 이다미 |
2012-05 | A New Negro Destined to Fail: Helga’s Struggle with Double Consciousness in Quicksand | 장정우 |
2012-06 | Whitman’s Political and Cultural Encounter with Carlyle and Arnold | 장정우 |
2012-08 | Dickinson’s Circumferential Reading of the Bible: The Authority of Poetic Language over the Bible | 장정우 |
2013-05 | Breakable Fences and Unbreakable Fences: The Limits of Troy Maxson’s Dreams in Wilson’s Fences | 장정우 |
2011-11 | What Intervenes What?: the Flip Side of Intervention Effects | 황주현 |
2012-09 | Revisiting the particle -to in NPIs: on the issue of its quantificational status as even | 황주현 |
2013-11 | Typology of NPIs in Korean: Variation and Licensing | 황주현 |