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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000-03Smooth but Nowhere Analytic Functions김성수
2000-04Problems and Solutions: Solutions: Avoiding Uncountably Many Subsets: 10667김성수
2001-12중세 기독교 사상에서의 유한과 무한 - 아우구스티누스를 중심으로한정순
2001-12중세 기독교 사상에서의 유한과 무한 - 아우구스티누스를 중심으로임종록
2001-12commutators and algebraic integers of finite groups왕문옥
2001-01Decay estimates for steady magnetohydrodynamics equations in a semi-infinite cylinder송종철
2001-02A note on the limit theory of fuzzy complex numbers한정순
2001-02On the construction of some Thom Spectra한정순
2001-02편미분방정식 해의 안정성을 결정하는 Poincare 상수송종철
2001-02On the construction of some Thom Spectra임종록
2001-02A note on the limit theory of fuzzy complex numbers임종록
2001-04Convergence results for generalized heat conduction as the relaxation time tends to zero송종철
2001-06Fuzzy Regular Open Set and Closed Sets한정순
2001-06Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Fuzzy Random Variables한정순
2001-06A note on the Fuzzy integral한정순
2001-06Fuzzy Complex Numbers and Fuzzy Random Variables임종록
2001-06A note on the Fuzzy integral임종록
2001-06Fuzzy Regular Open Set and Closed Sets임종록
2002-10강건설계와 열합병법을 이용한 세분화한 흡기계 저소음 최적설계한정순
2002-10Efficiency of the OLSE for regressions on two-dimensional grids with sinusoidal regressors and spatially correlated errors김대경