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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-02Time and cold joint effect on chloride diffusion in concrete containing GGBFS under various loading conditions양현민
2018-02-22Maintenance for repaired RC column exposed to chloride attack based on probability distribution of service life양현민
2018-02-14Small‐Scale Machines Driven by External Power Sources장범진
2018-04Corrosion mitigation of steel rebars in chloride contaminated concrete pore solution using inhibitor: An electrochemical investigation양현민
2018-07-13A Synergistic Approach to the Real-Time Estimation of the Feet Ground Reaction Forces and Centers of Pressure in Humans With Application to Human-Robot Collaboration김완수
2018-08-08ErgoTac: A Tactile Feedback Interface for Improving Human Ergonomics in Workplaces김완수
2018-07-26Magnetic imaging of a single ferromagnetic nanowire using diamond atomic sensors장범진
2018-10-12Field evaluation of vehicle to infrastructure communication-based eco-driving guidance and eco-signal system고병진
2018-10Analyzing the Long-Term Service Life of MEP Using the Probabilistic Approach in Residential Buildings이상효
2018-10Valuation of Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts in Korea Using the Collar Option Model이상효
2018-11-02Empirical Study on Structural Safety Diagnosis of Large-Scale Civil Infrastructure Using Laser Scanning and BIM이상효
2018-11Evaluating the Impact of Defect Risks in Residential Buildings at the Occupancy Phase이상효
2018-11Analyzing the FinishingWorks Service Life Pattern of Public Housing in South Korea by Probabilistic Approach이상효
2018-12무인 지상 로봇의 실시간 원격 제어를 위한 3차원 시각화 시스템배지훈
2024-10Twisted String Actuator mechanism with adjustable offset of strings for continuous variable transmission system김완수
2019-01-20Project Benefits of Digital Fabrication in Irregular-Shaped Buildings이상효
2018-12-27Programmable Locomotion Mechanisms of Nanowires with Semihard Magnetic Properties Near a Surface Boundary장범진
2019-03-21Motile piezoelectric nanoeels for targeted drug delivery장범진
2019-03Probabilistic Maintenance Cost Analysis for Aged Multi-Family Housing이상효
2019-03하자분쟁사례를 통한 공동주택 하자 중요도 평가에 관한 연구이상효