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大學 敎養 授業에서의 人性敎育 考察 -아버지와 疏通하기 授業을 中心으로-

大學 敎養 授業에서의 人性敎育 考察 -아버지와 疏通하기 授業을 中心으로-
Other Titles
The study on Character education of the liberal arts in University - Focusing on communicating with Father -
敎養 授業; 人性; 人性敎育; 아버지; 필드 經驗; 大學 作文; character education; personality; education of humanism; father; experiencing field; college composition
Issue Date
어문연구(語文硏究), Vol,42 No.3, 2014년, pp.393 - 415
본고는 大學 敎養 授業에서 인성교육의 사례를 들려줌으로써 그 중요성을 換氣하고, 인성교육을 하는 데 도움을 주고자 한 것이다. 인성교육의 출발을 家族이라 보고, 그 가운데 아버지-자녀 관계를 돕는 일로 本質的인 인성교육을 시도하였다. 첫째, ‘感性的ㆍ理性的 動機 誘發하기’이다. 먼저 감성적인 글로 감정이입과 동기 誘發을 유도하고, 학술적인 글로 理性的이고 論理的인 納得을 이끌어냈다. 두 번째는 필드(field) 經驗하기이다. 가능한 아버지가 일하는 현장을 찾아가거나 아버지와 둘만의 추억을 만들어 사진을 찍도록 했다. 세 번째는 情緖的으로 疏通하기이다. 자신이 쓴 글을 아버지께 보여드리고 아버지의 멘트를 받아오라는 과제를 진행했다. 연구의 客觀性을 확인하기 위해 학과의 학생들을 대상으로 설문을 진행했다. 그 결과 아버지와의 親密度가 평균 30% 이상 向上되고, 아버지와의 관계가 改善되었다는 사실을 확인하였다.Today society and universities emphasize on each character education and also deeply are sympathetic to its importance, but the educational reality has not performed well. This study shows that the case of character education of the liberal arts in University, and will help to educate character. Character education is derived from the relationship between man and man. The departure of relationship is family, and the father-child relationship influences on the quality of the child’s growth and the life greatly. Through the real class examples, this study will tell how to perform character education and its effect. To achieve the goal, class had progressed in the following order. First is ‘the emotional, rational motivation’. The first step for entering into a relationship with his father is reading about father. The sentimental articles lead emotional triggered. Then I tried the academic articles reading. The sentimental articles induce empathy and emotional incentives, and the academic articles elicited the rational and logical convinction. The second is the experiencing field. For the practical effect of character education, we have to proceed practical training activities together not only the theoretical education. As a field experience, I proceeded to take three pictures with father outdoor space. I let students go to his father’s work, or create their own memories. Through field experience, students have the opportunity to think about the presence of a father again and to understand the situation of their father. In this course, character education to understand the position of the father and to feel the compassion and gratitude to father arose naturally. The third is the emotional communication. I gave homework to show their writings to his father and receive father’s mention. Students confirmed father’s love through the exchange hand letters. Thus, the relationship between father and child are further deepen and helped the formation of ego identity. To ensure the objectivity of research, I progressed student’s Survey. As a result, I confirmed that the intimacy with Father was improved the average 30%, and relationship with the father was better than before. This paper have the meaning of actually performing the character education and presenting the case objectively.
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