2018-10 | Taste heterogeneity as an alternative form of endogeneity bias: Investigating the attitude-moderated effects of built environment and socio-demographics on vehicle ownership using latent class modeling | 김성후 |
2018-06 | Exploration on origin–destination-based travel time variability: Insights from Seoul metropolitan area | 김성후 |
2023-05-12 | A note on the sample selection (switching regression) model and treatment effects for a log-transformed outcome variable, in the context of residential self-selection | 김성후 |
2024-10 | ANN 및 데이터샘플링기반항만터미널작업현장 사고심각도요인분석 | 박준영 |
2024-10 | 주행 안전성 평가를 위한 블랙박스 영상 인식 적용 기법 연구 | 박준영 |
2024-10 | 강화학습 기반 CAV 거동 제어 알고리즘을 통한 통제차로 회피 전략 개발 및 평가 | 박준영 |
2019-04-30 | 수단선택의 이질성을 고려한 잠재계층모형(Latent Class Model) 구축: 서울시 통근자를 사례로 | 김성후 |
2019-05-09 | Prediction and Factor Identification for Crash Severity: Comparison of Discrete Choice and Tree-Based Models | 김성후 |
2019-09 | Benefits of travel time savings by truck platooning in Korean freeway networks | 김익기 |
2019-12 | Identifying latent mode-use propensity segments in an all-AV era | 김성후 |
2020-04 | How, and for whom, will activity patterns be modified by self-driving cars? Expectations from the state of Georgia | 김성후 |
2020-05 | Will autonomous vehicles change residential location and vehicle ownership? Glimpses from Georgia | 김성후 |
2024-09-16 | Road accident risk analysis of at- and nearport areas reflecting regional heterogeneous characteristics | 박준영 |
2024-07-27 | Hazards-Based Duration Time Model with Priorities Considering Unobserved Heterogeneity Using Real-Time Traffic and Weather Big Data | 박준영 |
2024-06-26 | Identifying teleworking-related motives and comparing telework frequency expectations in the post-pandemic world: A latent class choice modeling approach | 김성후 |
2021-12 | 위계적 모형을 활용한 사업용 자동차 사고영향요인 분석: 운전자의 내재적 요인을 중심으로 | 오철 |
2022-04 | 교차로 차량 주행안전성 예측 기반 위험상황 검지 기술 개발 | 오철 |
2022-05 | A Multi-Agent Driving Simulation Approach for Evaluating the Safety Benefits of Connected Vehicles | 오철 |
2022-06-30 | Contributing factors to the change in travel mode choice after COVID-19 in Korea using bivariate probit model | 박준영 |
2022-06-27 | Driver behaviour and experience around automated freight vehicle platoons | 박준영 |