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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-02토양시료의 분쇄가 왕수분해법을 이용한 비소와 납의 전함량 분석 결과에 미치는 영향안진성
2017-11-23Transitional Flow at Low-Head Ogee Spillway홍승호
2024-01-05Unsupervised anomaly detection for earthquake detection on Korea high-speed trains using autoencoder-based deep learning models곽동엽
2024-01-06Optimizing Terrain Classification Methods for the Determination of Bedrock Depth and the Average Shear Wave Velocity of Soil곽동엽
2024-03-11Pull-Out Resistance of Rebar Stake Depending on Installation Conditions and Compaction Levels of Agricultural Soil곽동엽
2024-04-24Development of Seismic Fragility Function for Underground Railway Station Structures in Korea곽동엽
2024-05-30Evaluation of the applicability of ground motion models (GMMs) for South Korea곽동엽
2024-08Near-fault pulse extraction based on Adaptive Chirp Mode Pursuit algorithm and Asymmetric Gaussian Chirplet Model곽동엽
2024-06-17Determination of ground properties and pilot experiment for submarine landslide of Ulleung Basin, East Sea곽동엽
2024-06-17Deconvolution-linear scaling-convolution method for estimation of intensity measures near seismic stations곽동엽
2024-06-17Use of temporary seismometers collecting aftershock events for non-ergodic site term development곽동엽
2024-06Assessment of Coefficient of Variation (CV) and Correlation Length (CL) using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVSR) inversion곽동엽
2024-06Evaluation of SPT N-Vs Model Considering Geological Attributes Using Geotechnical Database: Case Study at Busan, South Korea곽동엽
2024-06Combination of Pre-developed Seismic Fragility Models for Bored and Cut-and-cover Tunnels곽동엽
2024-06Development of Nonlinear Site Amplification Model Based on Average Shear-wave Velocity of Soil Layer and Bedrock Depth곽동엽
2024-10-14Assessments of Liquefaction Triggering Using In Situ and Laboratory Tests in Pohang, South Korea곽동엽
2018-08-12Reproducing Field Measurements Using Scaled-Down Hydraulic Model Studies in a Laboratory홍승호
2017-10-12Insight of Bridge Scour during Extreme Hydrologic Events by Laboratory Model Studies홍승호
2018-08-15Estimation of human-origin estrone and 17β-estradiol concentrations in the Han River, Seoul, South Korea and its uncertainty-based ecological risk characterization안진성
2018-11-03A Comprehensive Method of Calculating Maximum Bridge Scour Depth홍승호