2019-06 | Watts-level road-compatible piezoelectric energy harvester for a self-powered temperature monitoring system on an actual roadway | 성태현 |
2020-07 | Waypoint Tracking for Collision Avoidance Using Artificial Potential Field | 정정주 |
2020-06 | WBG 소자를 위한 높은 측정 감도를 가지는 PCB 내장형 Spiral 패턴 Pick-up Coil 전류 측정 기법 | 김래영 |
2020-10 | WBG 전력 반도체의 손실 및 Ringing 감소를 위한 2차원 격자 구조의 기생 인덕턴스 저감 설계 기법 | 김래영 |
2020-10 | WBG 전력 반도체의 전류 측정이 가능한 높은 감도를 가지는 PCB 내장형 Pick-up Coil 최적화 설계 기법 | 김래영 |
2020-06 | Wearable Energy Generating and Storing Textile Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarns | 장용우 |
2020-06 | Wearable Energy Generating and Storing Textile Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarns | 장용우 |
2020-04 | Wearable Energy Generating and Storing Textile Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarns | 김선정 |
2018-04 | Weavable asymmetric carbon nanotube yarn supercapacitor for electronic textiles | 김선정 |
2015-01 | What is the optimal anodal electrode position for inducing corticomotor excitability changes in transcranial direct current stimulation? | 임창환 |
2016-04 | White matter alterations in narcolepsy patients with cataplexy: tract-based spatial statistics | 이종민 |
2016-10 | White Matter Change Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Gliomas | 이종민 |
2014-01 | White matter hyperintensities are associated with amyloid burden in APOE4 non-carriers | 이종민 |
2021-08 | White matter hyperintensities segmentation using the ensemble U-Net with multi-scale highlighting foregrounds | 이종민 |
2015-04 | White matter microstructural changes in pure Alzheimer's disease and subcortical vascular dementia | 이종민 |
2013-01 | Whole-brain Functional Networks in Cognitively Normal, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease | 이종민 |
2020-07 | Wide Bandgap 전력반도체를 위한 넓은 전류 도통 영역을 가진 전력 회로 보드의 파워 루프 인덕턴스 해석 기법 | 김래영 |
2017-06 | A Wideband Circularly Polarized Conformal Endoscopic Antenna System for High-Speed Data Transfer | 유형석 |
2016-07 | Widespread cortical thinning in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder | 이종민 |
2021-11 | Wind-up precision pump for portable microfluidics | 최성용 |