2014-11 | Validation of 3-D Time Domain Particle-in-Cell Simulations for Cold Testing a W-Band Gyrotron Cavity | Ming-Chieh Lin |
2020-06 | Variable Gain Super Twisting Algorithm을 활용한 영구자석 동기전동기의 위치 추종기설계 | 정정주 |
2018-07 | Variable-magnitude Voltage Signal Injection for Current Reconstruction in an IPMSM Sensorless Drive with a Single Sensor | 김래영 |
2012-04 | Variation of the electron energy distribution with He dilution in an inductively coupled argon discharge | 정진욱 |
2015-06 | Vehicle Trajectory Prediction for Adaptive Cruise Control | 정정주 |
2011-05 | Vehicle dynamics를 이용한 lane centering 제어기 개발 | 정정주 |
2019-06 | Vehicle In the Loop의 모듈화 구조 연구 | 이형철 |
2016-12 | Vehicle Lateral Motion Estimation with Its Dynamic and Kinematic Model Based Interacting Multiple Model Filter | 정정주 |
2020-09 | Vehicle Longitudinal Control with Velocity Profile for Stop and Go Operation | 정정주 |
2018-12 | Vehicle Path Prediction Using Yaw Acceleration for Adaptive Cruise Control | 정정주 |
2020-04 | Vehicle-in-the-Loop in Global Coordinates for Advanced Driver Assistance System | 이형철 |
2020-07 | Vehicular Lateral Tracking Control with Winding Road Disturbance Compensation | 정정주 |
2019-06 | Vehicular Vertical Tire Forces Estimation Using Unscented Kalman Filter | 정정주 |
2019-05 | Velocity Control of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor Using Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Controller | 정정주 |
2021-01 | Video Object Detection Using Object's Motion Context and Spatio-Temporal Feature Aggregation | 최준원 |
2012-05 | Virtual Peak Plant Concepts of Demand Response | 김진오 |
2016-09 | Virtual pilot-based channel estimation and multiuser detection for multiuser MIMO in LTE-Advanced | 최준원 |
2011-09 | A virtual reality application in role-plays of social A randomized, controlled trial | 김선일 |
2015-01 | Vitamin D Deficiency Disrupts Neuronal Integrity in Cognitively Impaired Patients | 이종민 |