2021-02 | Ultra-Compact Implantable Antenna With Enhanced Performance for Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker System | 유형석 |
2022-05 | Ultra-Miniaturized Antenna for Deeply Implanted Biomedical Devices | 유형석 |
2021-03 | An Ultra-Miniaturized Antenna With Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Characteristics for Medical Implant Systems | 유형석 |
2013-06 | Ultrafast charge and discharge biscrolled yarn supercapacitors for textiles and microdevices | 김선정 |
2021-01 | An Ultrafast Desaturation-Based Protection Circuit for GaN HEMTs | 김래영 |
2018-11 | Ultrathin gutter layer for high-performance thin-film composite membranes for CO2 separation | 정진욱 |
2016-06 | Ultraviolet-induced irreversible tensile actuation of diacetylene/nylon microfibers | 김선정 |
2013-02 | Understanding the Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol Pulsed Plasma Discharges | 정진욱 |
2013-01 | Uniform output regulation via approximated input-output linearisation for lightly damped internal dynamics | 정정주 |
2021-01 | Unipolar stroke, electroosmotic pump carbon nanotube yarn muscles | 김선정 |
2016-03 | An unsupervised eye blink artifact detection method for real-time electroencephalogram processing | 임창환 |
2012-10 | Upper extremity rehabilitation of stroke: Facilitation of corticospinal excitability using virtual mirror paradigm | 김선일 |
2014-11 | Validation of 3-D Time Domain Particle-in-Cell Simulations for Cold Testing a W-Band Gyrotron Cavity | Ming-Chieh Lin |
2020-06 | Variable Gain Super Twisting Algorithm을 활용한 영구자석 동기전동기의 위치 추종기설계 | 정정주 |
2018-07 | Variable-magnitude Voltage Signal Injection for Current Reconstruction in an IPMSM Sensorless Drive with a Single Sensor | 김래영 |
2012-04 | Variation of the electron energy distribution with He dilution in an inductively coupled argon discharge | 정진욱 |
2015-06 | Vehicle Trajectory Prediction for Adaptive Cruise Control | 정정주 |
2011-05 | Vehicle dynamics를 이용한 lane centering 제어기 개발 | 정정주 |
2019-06 | Vehicle In the Loop의 모듈화 구조 연구 | 이형철 |
2016-12 | Vehicle Lateral Motion Estimation with Its Dynamic and Kinematic Model Based Interacting Multiple Model Filter | 정정주 |