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Showing results 1363 to 1382 of 2039

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-10Scalable Source Transmission With Unequal Frequency Reuse in MIMO Cellular Networks최준원
2017-05Scale-integrated Network Hubs of the White Matter Structural Network이종민
2021-02SCALE-Net: Scalable Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Network under Random Number of Interacting Vehicles via Edge-enhanced Graph Convolutional Neural Network최준원
2018-04Scalp-Implantable Antenna Systems for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring유형석
2021-01ScarfNet: Multi-scale Features with Deeply Fused and Redistributed Semantics for Enhanced Object Detection최준원
2015-11Scheduling Method for Electric Heater in HEMS Considering User's Comfort김진오
2014-11A Second-order Harmonic Current Reduction with a Fast Dynamic Response for a Two-stage Single-phase Grid-connected Inverter김래영
2019-10Selective frequency synchronization technique for fast grid connection of islanded microgrid using prediction method김래영
2016-03Self-aligning 토크를 이용한 Passivity 기반 제어정정주
2015-05Self-Excited Induction Generator as an Auxiliary Brake for Heavy Vehicles and Its Analog Controller이주
2019-12Self-Healing Electrode with High Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Strength for Artificial Electronic Skin김선정
2019-12Self-Healing Electrode with High Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Strength for Artificial Electronic Skin장용우
2019-12Self-healing graphene oxide-based composite for electromagnetic interference shielding장용우
2019-12Self-healing graphene oxide-based composite for electromagnetic interference shielding김선정
2020-05Self-Helical Fiber for Glucose-Responsive Artificial Muscle장용우
2020-05Self-Helical Fiber for Glucose-Responsive Artificial Muscle김선정
2020-08Self-powered artificial skin made of engineered silk protein hydrogel김성환
2019-11Self-powered coiled carbon nanotube yarn sensor for gastric electronics장용우
2019-11Self-Powered Coiled Carbon-Nanotube Yarn Sensor for Gastric Electronics김선정
2020-01Self-Powered Operational Amplifying System with a Bipolar Voltage Generator Using a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester성태현