2015-11 | L-C 공진형 자여자 와전류 브레이크의 파라미터 추출 방법 및 특성연구 | 이주 |
2020-07 | Lane Change Control with Optimal Time-varying Sliding Mode in Automated Driving Vehicle | 정정주 |
2014-10 | Lane Estimation Using a Vehicle Kinematic Lateral Motion Model under Clothoidal Road Constraints | 정정주 |
2016-06 | Lane Keeping System Based on Kinematic Model with Road Friction Coefficient Adaptatio | 정정주 |
2019-11 | Latent awareness: Early conscious access to motor preparation processes is linked to the readiness potential | 임창환 |
2015-10 | Lateral Control for Autonomous Lane Keeping System on Highways | 정정주 |
2016-04 | Lateral Control System for Autonomous Lane Change System on Highways | 정정주 |
2016-06 | Lateral Control System for Autonomous Lane Change System on Highways | 정정주 |
2018-09 | Lateral Ventricle Enlargement and Cortical Thinning in Idiopathic Normal-pressure Hydrocephalus Patients | 이종민 |
2011-07 | LCL 필터를 사용한 계통 연계형 3-레벨 인버터의 소신호 모델링 및 제어 | 김래영 |
2013-07 | LCL필터를 가진 3상 계통 연계형 인버터에서의 전류 고조파 감쇄를 위한 능동형 전향보상기법 | 김래영 |
2019-06 | LCpL Filter Design and Control for Stability Improvement in a Stand-Alone Microgrid with Sub Inverter Structure | 김래영 |
2019-08 | Leader–follower decentralized optimal control for large population hexarotors with tilted propellers: A Stackelberg game approach | 문준 |
2013-07 | Less depressive symptoms are associated with smaller hippocampus in subjective memory impairment | 이종민 |
2014-04 | Lifetime Prediction of DC-Link Film Capacitors using a Stochastic Model Combined by Random Variable and Gamma Process | 이형철 |
2015-03 | Line Patterning using a Scanning Probe Lithography Technique based on Convolution Method | 정정주 |
2017-03 | Linear Quadratic Servo Design for Magnetic Levitation Systems Considering Disturbance Forces from Linear Synchronous Motor | 이주 |
2020-10 | Linear-quadratic mean field stochastic zero-sum differential games | 문준 |
2021-01 | Linear-Quadratic Time-Inconsistent Mean-Field Type Stackelberg Differential Games: Time-Consistent Open-Loop Solutions | 문준 |
2017-04 | LLC 공진형 컨버터 기반 리튬이온 배터리 충전기의 통합 전류-전압 보상기 설계방법 연구 | 김래영 |