2018-10 | G-parameter를 이용한 직류 마이크로그리드의 컨버터상호 안정도 분석 및 가상 임피던스를 이용한 안정도 향상 | 김래영 |
2019-12 | GaN HEMT의 안정적 구동을 위한 수직 격자 루프 구조의 기생 인덕턴스 저감 설계 기법 | 김래영 |
2020-06 | GaN HEMT의 안정적 구동을 위한 수직 격자 루프 구조의 기생 인덕턴스 저감 설계 기법 | 김래영 |
2019-11 | GaN 소자의 전류 검출을 위한 높은 상호 인덕턴스를 가지는 PCB 내장형 Pick-up Coil | 김래영 |
2020-08 | Gender-Related and Hemispheric Effects in Cortical Thickness-Based Hemispheric Brain Morphological Network | 이종민 |
2018-07 | Gender-specific effect of uric acid on resting-state functional networks in de novo Parkinson's disease | 이종민 |
2012-10 | A General-purpose Integrated Battery Energy Module for Non-isolated Energy Storage System Applications | 김래영 |
2019-11 | Generalized Model Predictive Control Method for Single-Phase N-Level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Rectifiers for Solid State Transformer | 김래영 |
2019-08 | Generalized Switching Modification Method Using Carrier Shift for DC-link Capacitor RMS Current Reduction in Real-Time Implementation | 김래영 |
2019-03 | Generation of Supersonic Plasma Flow by an Ion Extraction Electrode | 정규선 |
2011-04 | Genetic and environmental influences on structural variability of the brain in pediatric twin: Deformation based morphometry | 이종민 |
2020-05 | Geometry Independent Direct and Converse Flexoelectric Effects in Functionally Graded Dielectrics: An Isogeometric Analysis | Kumar, Anuruddh |
2017-12 | Global Electroencephalography Synchronization as a New Indicator for Tracking Emotional Changes of a Group of Individuals during Video Watching | 임창환 |
2016-12 | Global model including multistep ionizations in helium plasmas | 정진욱 |
2015-06 | GPS Waypoint Fitting and Tracking Using Model Predictive Control | 정정주 |
2020-03 | Graphene Foam Cantilever Produced via Simultaneous Foaming and Doping Effect of an Organic Coagulant | 성태현 |
2016-03 | Gray and white matter changes linking cerebral small vessel disease to gait disturbances | 이종민 |
2019-08 | Greedy Data-Aided Active User Detection for Massive Machine Type Communications | 최준원 |
2012-01 | Grid Parity를 고려한 DC 전원 공급율에 따른 신재생에너지 계통 연계의 경제성 평가 | 김진오 |
2020-10 | Grid Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control for Output Smoothing in Battery Energy Storage Systems | 정정주 |