2019-11 | Can Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Increase Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Responses? | 임창환 |
2021-12 | Can corticomuscular coherence differentiate between rem sleep behavior disorder with or without parkinsonism? | 임창환 |
2020-02 | Carbon Nanotube Yarn for Fiber-Shaped Electrical Sensors, Actuators, and Energy Storage for Smart Systems | 장용우 |
2020-02 | Carbon Nanotube Yarn for Fiber‐Shaped Electrical Sensors, Actuators, and Energy Storage for Smart Systems | 김선정 |
2016-03 | Carbon Nanotube Yarn-Based Glucose Sensing Artificial Muscle | 김선정 |
2021-01 | Carbon nanotube-reduced graphene oxide fiber with high torsional strength from rheological hierarchy control | 성태현 |
2019-03 | Carbon nanotubes-elastomer actuator driven electrothermally by low-voltage | 김선정 |
2012-04 | Cardiovascular Risk Factors Cause Cortical Thinning in Cognitively Impaired Patients Relationships Among Cardiovascular Risk Factors, White Matter Hyperintensities, and Cortical Atrophy | 이종민 |
2014-03 | Causal influence of epileptic network during spike-and-wave discharge in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy | 임창환 |
2017-11 | Centiloid method evaluation for amyloid PET of subcortical vascular dementia | 이종민 |
2013-02 | Cerebellar Atrophy in Patients with Subcortical-Type Vascular Cognitive Impairment | 이종민 |
2019-11 | Cerebellar connectivity in Parkinson's disease with levodopa-induced dyskinesia | 이종민 |
2015-06 | Change of brain functional connectivity in patients with spinal cord injury: Graph theory based approach | 이종민 |
2015-01 | Changes in background electroencephalography and regional cerebral glucose metabolism in focal epilepsy patients after I-month administration of levetiracetam | 이종민 |
2011-05 | Changes in Language Pathways in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Diffusion Tensor Imaging Analysis of the Uncinate and Arcuate Fasciculi | 이종민 |
2018-01 | Changes in network connectivity during motor imagery and executionChanges in network connectivity during motor imagery and execution | 임창환 |
2018-06 | Characteristics Analysis of Novel Outer Rotor Fan-type PMSM for Increasing Power Density | 이주 |
2014-01 | Characteristics Analysis of Single Phase Induction Motor via Equivalent Circuit Method and Considering Saturation Factor | 이주 |
2013-02 | Characteristics of a-C/B:H films from non-toxic o-carborane vapor prepared by using DC glow discharges | 정규선 |
2013-02 | Characteristics of a-C/B:H films from non-toxic o-carborane vapor prepared by using DC glow discharges | 정규선 |