2014-08 | Aberrant neural responses to social rejection in patients with schizophrenia | 김선일 |
2018-01 | Abnormal cortical neural synchrony during working memory in schizophrenia | 임창환 |
2020-12 | Abnormal cortical thickening and thinning in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus | 이종민 |
2016-02 | Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Elderly Patients with Idiopathic Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study | 이종민 |
2013-08 | AC-microgrids versus DC-microgrids with distributed energy resources: A review | 이주 |
2019-06 | ACC-LKA 연동 제어기 검증에 대한 연구 | 이형철 |
2019-05 | Acoustic 센서를 통한 노면의 종류와 상태 판단 | 정정주 |
2019-05 | ACSF 표준 기반 위험평가 지수에 의한 차선변경 제어시점 판단 알고리즘 | 정정주 |
2016-01 | Active Booming Noise Control for Hybrid Vehicles | 이형철 |
2011-08 | Active Clamping Circuit to Suppress Switching Stress on a MOS-Gate-Structure-Based Power Semiconductor for Pulsed-Power Applications | 고광철 |
2019-11 | Active Disturbance Rejection Control Scheme for Reducing Mutual Current and Harmonics in Multi-Parallel Grid-Connected Inverters | 김래영 |
2013-11 | An Active Feedforward Compensation for a Current Harmonics Reduction in Threephase Grid-connected Inverters | 김래영 |
2018-10 | An Active Partial Switching Method in Tertiary Loop for a High-Efficiency Predictive Current-Mode Control PFC Converter | 김래영 |
2016-11 | Active Phase Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking of a Linear Wave Generator | 이주 |
2020-06 | Active vibration control of smart structure using poling tuned piezoelectric material | Kumar, Anuruddh |
2015-06 | Adaptive Damping Scheme of LCL Filter Resonance under Inductance Variation for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter | 김래영 |
2012-03 | Adaptive digital demodulation of sinusoidal encoder signal for positioning control of spiral servo track writing | 정정주 |
2020-07 | Adaptive Feedforward Compensator Based on Approximated Causal Transfer Function for CACC with Communication Delay | 정정주 |
2011-10 | Adaptive Linear Turbo Equalization Over Doubly Selective Channels | 최준원 |
2018-12 | Adaptive Matching Transmitter With Dual-Band Antenna for Intraoral Tongue Drive System | 유형석 |