2016-12 | Auditory evoked potential could reflect emotional sensitivity and impulsivity | 임창환 |
2021-12 | Author Correction: Comparative analysis of default mode networks in major psychiatric disorders using resting-state EEG | 임창환 |
2016-03 | Automated detection of vessel lumen and stent struts in intravascular optical coherence tomography to evaluate stent apposition and neointimal coverage | 유홍기 |
2015-05 | Automated Segmentation of Cerebellum Using Brain Mask and Partial Volume Estimation Map | 이종민 |
2013-02 | Automated Sulcal Depth Measurement on Cortical Surface Reflecting Geometrical Properties of Sulci | 이종민 |
2016-06 | Automatic Identification of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in Secondary Generalized Epilepsy | 임창환 |
2020-11 | Automatic resonance tuning mechanism for ultra-wide bandwidth mechanical energy harvesting | 성태현 |
2018-09 | Automatic Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in Midsagittal Based on Bayesian Inference Consisting of Sparse Representation Error and Multi-Atlas Voting | 이종민 |
2020-07 | Autonomous Driving Using Artificial Potential Function for Vehicle Collision Avoidance | 정정주 |
2019-10 | Autonomous Driving Vehicles with Unmatched Disturbance Compensation using Deep Neural Networks | 정정주 |
2020-11 | Autonomous Lane Change System for Intelligent Vehicle Based on Model Curve Fitting | 정정주 |
2019-10 | Autonomous Lane Keeping Control System Based on Road Lane Model Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks | 정정주 |
2013-11 | Averaged Modeling and Control of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Two-Stage Inverter for Battery Application | 김래영 |
2013-11 | Averaged Modeling and Control of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Two-Stage Inverter for Battery Application | 현동석 |
2013-12 | B1 field comparison for RF coils in ultra-high field MRI | 유형석 |
2021-02 | Backward Reachability Analysis for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems via Pseudospectral Method | 문준 |
2020-01 | Balance and Mobility Performance Along the Alzheimers Disease Spectrum | 이종민 |
2017-03 | Balanced charging strategies for electric vehicles on power systems | 김진오 |
2014-04 | Battery Charge and Discharge Optimization for Vehicle-to-Grid Regulation Service | 김진오 |
2013-10 | Battery System Modeling for a Military Electric Propulsion Vehicle with a Fault Simulation | 이형철 |