2016-11 | Active Phase Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking of a Linear Wave Generator | 이주 |
2020-06 | Active vibration control of smart structure using poling tuned piezoelectric material | Kumar, Anuruddh |
2015-06 | Adaptive Damping Scheme of LCL Filter Resonance under Inductance Variation for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter | 김래영 |
2012-03 | Adaptive digital demodulation of sinusoidal encoder signal for positioning control of spiral servo track writing | 정정주 |
2020-07 | Adaptive Feedforward Compensator Based on Approximated Causal Transfer Function for CACC with Communication Delay | 정정주 |
2011-10 | Adaptive Linear Turbo Equalization Over Doubly Selective Channels | 최준원 |
2018-12 | Adaptive Matching Transmitter With Dual-Band Antenna for Intraoral Tongue Drive System | 유형석 |
2012-10 | An Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on a Variable Scaling Factor for Photovoltaic Systems | 김래영 |
2012-12 | An Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on a Variable Scaling Factor for Photovoltaic Systems | 김래영 |
2020-12 | Adaptive Nonlinear Output Tracking Control With Rejection of Unmatched Biased Sinusoidal Disturbances for Nonlinear Systems | 문준 |
2011-09 | Adaptive Output Regulation for the Rejection of a Periodic Disturbance With an Unknown Frequency | 정정주 |
2013-10 | Adaptive Side Slip Angle Observer Using Simple Combined Vehicle Dynamics | 정정주 |
2016-09 | Adaptive Temperature Control System for LED Array Systems | 배성우 |
2019-05 | ADAS 검증을 위한 가상의 도로생성 환경 개발 | 이형철 |
2019-05 | ADAS 검증을 위한 라이다 간소화 모델 | 이형철 |
2019-05 | ADAS의 VIL검증을 위한 HMD 시각화 환경 연구 | 이형철 |
2016-05 | ADAS의 시험평가를 위한 FMCW 레이더의 시뮬레이션 시스템 구축 | 이형철 |
2016-05 | ADAS의 실험 및 검증을 위한 통합 평가 시나리오 연구 | 이형철 |
2021-05 | Adjustable RF Transmitter Head Coil: Improving Transmit Efficiency With SAR Management for 7-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 유형석 |
2019-10 | Adsorbate induced modulation of strain effects on work functions of a tungsten (100) surface | Lin Ming-Chieh |