2016-09 | Adaptive Temperature Control System for LED Array Systems | 배성우 |
2016-07 | Analysis and Design of a Double-Stator Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine Using Ferrite Magnet in Hybrid Electric Vehicles | 배성우 |
2016-07 | Analysis and Design of a Hybrid Rare-Earth-Free Permanent Magnet Reluctance Machine by Frozen Permeability Method | 배성우 |
2017-09 | Analysis of a Symmetric Active Cell Balancer with a Multi-winding Transformer | 배성우 |
2019-05 | Analysis of the influence of a conductive particle on the surface flashover characteristics of epoxy dielectric in atmospheric air | 배성우 |
2019-11 | A Community-scale Energy Management System for Demand Response Participation of Households with DERs and Evs | 배성우 |
2016-05 | Comparison on cell balancing methods for energy storage applications | 배성우 |
2018-09 | Decentralized Power Management for Electrical Power Systems in More Electric Aircrafts | 배성우 |
2020-04 | Design Models for Power Flow Management of a Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic System with Energy Storage System | 배성우 |
2016-12 | Design of a Sustainable and Efficient Transportation Station (SETS) Based on Renewable Sources and Efficient Electric Drives | 배성우 |
2019-01 | The Discharge Mechanism Leading to the Tracking Progress in Polyvinyl-Chloride-Sheathed Flat Cord | 배성우 |
2020-07 | Droop Control을 이용한 마이크로그리드 내 주파수 안정화 방안 연구 | 배성우 |
2016-01 | Dry-Air 중의 동일 연면거리를 가진 고체절연물의 형상 변화에 따른 수직연면방전 특성 연구 | 배성우 |
2012-12 | Dynamic modeling and operation strategy for a microgrid with wind and photovoltaic resources | 배성우 |
2016-09 | Effect of Sensors on the Reliability and Control Performance of Power Circuits in the Web of Things (WoT) | 배성우 |
2016-12 | Electric vehicle charging demand forecasting model based on big data technologies | 배성우 |
2019-02 | Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand on a Jeju Island Radial Distribution Network | 배성우 |
2016-04 | N2/O2 혼합가스 중 연면방전특성에서 봉전극 곡률의 영향 | 배성우 |
2018-08 | Partial Discharge and Surface Flashover Characteristics with O-2 Content in N-2/O-2 Mixed Gas under a Non-Uniform Field | 배성우 |
2017-10 | Power Controllable LED System with Increased Energy Efficiency Using Multi-Sensors for Plant Cultivation | 배성우 |