2020-05 | Analysis and Mitigation on Switching Transients of Medium-Voltage Low-Harmonic Filter Banks | 김진오 |
2017-03 | Balanced charging strategies for electric vehicles on power systems | 김진오 |
2014-04 | Battery Charge and Discharge Optimization for Vehicle-to-Grid Regulation Service | 김진오 |
2016-01 | Copula 함수를 이용한 HEMS 내 전력소비자의 부하 사용패턴 모델링및 그 적용에 관한 연구 | 김진오 |
2015-07 | Copula를 이용한 HEMS의 부하사용패턴 모델링에 관한 연구 | 김진오 |
2011-07 | DC 전원 공급율에 따른 신재생에너지 계통 연계의 경제성 평가 | 김진오 |
2012-06 | Design of emergency demand response program using analytic hierarchy process | 김진오 |
2011-01 | Determination of Available Transfer Capability (ATC) considering Real-time Weather Conditions | 김진오 |
2012-03 | Determining the location of superconducting fault current limiter considering distribution reliability | 김진오 |
2014-08 | Determining the Optimal Capacity of Renewable Distributed Generation Using Restoration Methods | 김진오 |
2015-11 | ESS Control Strategy for Primary Frequency Response in Microgrid Considering Ramp Rate | 김진오 |
2011-03 | Evaluation of Distribution Reliability with Superconducting Fault Current Limiter | 김진오 |
2015-07 | Evaluation of the Charging Effects of Electric Vehicles on Power Systems, Taking into Account Optimal Charging Scenarios | 김진오 |
2014-04 | Fault prediction of wind turbine by using the SVM method | 김진오 |
2012-01 | Grid Parity를 고려한 DC 전원 공급율에 따른 신재생에너지 계통 연계의 경제성 평가 | 김진오 |
2018-01 | Impact of User Convenience on Appliance Scheduling of a Home Energy Management System | 김진오 |
2011-06 | Modeling Demand Resources for ISO's Demand Response Scheduling | 김진오 |
2011-10 | Modeling for Power Supply Substation in Maglev Train System | 김진오 |
2019-03 | Multi-Labeled Recognition of Distribution System Conditions by a Waveform Feature Learning Model | 김진오 |
2011-11 | New FMECA Methodology Using Structural Importance and Fuzzy Theory | 김진오 |