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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-092채널 마이크로폰을 이용한 청각 기기에서의 빔포밍에 대한 객관적 검증김선일
2014-08Aberrant neural responses to social rejection in patients with schizophrenia김선일
2012-10Comparison of checking behavior in adults with or without checking symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder using a novel computer-based measure김선일
2013-10Development and validation of a computer-based measure of symmetry and arranging behavior in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary study김선일
2014-01Development of virtual reality proprioceptive rehabilitation system for stroke patients김선일
2011-01Disrupted theory of mind network processing in response to idea of reference evocation in schizophrenia김선일
2014-08Distinct functional connectivity of limbic network in the washing type obsessive-compulsive disorder김선일
2012-11Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Assessing Therapeutic Response of Choroidal Neovascularization in a Rat Model김선일
2012-10The Effect of Simulated Auditory Hallucinations on Daily Activities in Schizophrenia Patients김선일
2014-09Effective arrangement of separated transmit-only/receive-only RF coil for improvement of B-1 homogeneity at 7 Tesla김선일
2011-06Fully Automated Pipeline for Quantification and Localization of White Matter Hyperintensity in Brain Magnetic Resonance Image김선일
2014-04Improvement of orthotopic lung cancer mouse model via thoracotomy and orotracheal intubation enabling invivo imaging studies김선일
2012-05Neural Network Functional Connectivity During and After an Episode of Delirium김선일
2012-01Novel Noninvasive Detection of the Fovea Avascular Zone Using Confocal Red-Free Imaging in Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Vein Occlusion김선일
2012-04Provoked arrangement symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder using a virtual environment: A preliminary report김선일
2011-04The relationship between the presence of sulcal pits and intelligence in human brains김선일
2011-05The relationships between extent and microstructural properties of the midsagittal corpus callosum in human brain김선일
2011-01Release Kinetics and in vitro Bioactivity of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor: Effect of the Thickness of Fibrous Matrices김선일
2014-11Role of Low- and High-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Hippocampus for Encoding Environmental Novelty During a Spatial Navigation Task김선일
2013-02rTMS over bilateral inferior parietal cortex induces decrement of spatial sustained attention김선일